April 2023 Special Called Meeting and tour | AIChE


April 2023 Special Called Meeting and tour

Tuesday, April 11, 2023,
6:30pm to 8:30pm
In-Person / Local
1320 Hampton Ave,
Greenville, SC 29601
United States

In person attendees will meet for dinner in the Hamptons Station Area and will eat at the White Duck Taco between 6 and 6:45.  We will transiton to the meeting area for the tour of the brewery. We will  vote on the by-laws changes at 7:00 PM. There will be no charge for meal or non-alcoholic beverages.

required for dinner. (OR  email sec@wscaiche.org)

Proposed by-laws.  By-laws have been open for comment since  the March 9, 2023 meeting.  No comments were received as of March 28, 2023. he on-line google for serves as proxy, having opened on-line as of March 28, 2023 and wil be open until 6:45 on Aprill 11. A computer will be available for in-person members to register their votes on-line, or they may complete a paper ballot at the meeting.  Votes will be tallied by the past chair and confirmed by the current chair. A 2/3 vote of voting members in good standing will pass the new by-laws. 

Nominations for officers for the next year will open upon completing the by-laws vote. An on-line form for nominations will be availabled in accordance with by-laws provisions (old or new). Elections will take place at the May 2023 meeting.

Tour will commence after conclusion of business poriton of the meeting.