Wireless Measurement and Control | AIChE


Wireless Measurement and Control

Thursday, August 25, 2011,
9:00pm to 10:00pm
Virtual / Online
United States

Wireless measurements reduce wiring installation and maintenance costs and eliminate electrical noise and ground loops. The portability of wireless transmitters offers opportunities to troubleshoot locations in the process with abnormal operations and to demonstrate process control improvements and online process and equipment metrics such as yield, reaction rate, energy use, and fouling. The PIDPlus in DeltaV v11 has enhancements that deliver the following benefits in control applications: Inherent prevention of process oscillations from update delay, sensitivity limits, and failures that are observed when a traditional PID is used for wireless measurements, analyzers, and sticky valves.

Reduction of the integrated absolute error (total error) and peak error (maximum error) for unmeasured load disturbances when the update time is significant compared to the process response time. For set point changes, the overshoot, rise time (time to reach setpoint), and settling time are decreased. Standard tuning for maximum load rejection may be applied independent of the measurement update time whereas the traditional PID requires special detuning to stabilize the loop for large update times.

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