VOTE! in the AIChE Virtual Local Section Elections | AIChE


VOTE! in the AIChE Virtual Local Section Elections

Friday, October 19, 2018, 11:45pm HDT
In-Person / Local
United States

In October, the Virtual Local Section will be electing a Chair, a Senior Vice Chair, a Vice Chair, a Treasurer, and two Directors for terms that will begin in 2019.  Please review the candidate statements at the folowing link and vote: slate_of_aiche_vls_candidates_for_2019.pdf.   

In order to be eligible to vote, you must have paid your dues for 2018. 

Voting will be electronic, via Google Forms.  You will receive a link to the ballot the week of October 8th.  Votes must be received by October 19th.  

If you have any questions about the balloting, contact Dan Miller, Director.