Whitaker Center AIChE Exhibit | AIChE


Whitaker Center AIChE Exhibit

Saturday, February 15, 2020, 9:30am EST to Sunday, February 16, 2020, 4:30pm EST
In-Person / Local
Whitaker Center
222 Market Street
Harrisburg, PA 17101
United States
We are extending our appeal for volunteers for the Whitaker Center AIChE Exhibit on Sat. & Sun. Feb. 15 & 16.
Our coordinators, Sue Benjamin and Adam Reimnitz advise all time slots are still open and we need member volunteers to fill them. We require two volunteers per time slot. The time slots are:
  • 2/15, 9:30-12:00
  • 2/15, 12:00-2:30
  • 2/15, 2:30-5:00
  • 2/16, 11:30-2:00
  • 2/16, 2:00-4:30
In addition, Whitaker Center has offered us a "Friends & Family" promo code for $10 admission to the Harsco Science Center for Engineers Week on February 15 and 16.  Regular admission is Junior (3-17) $12.50, Adult (18-54) $16.00, Senior (54+) $14.00. Attendees should provide this promo code to the Box Office the day of the event to purchase $10 discount tickets:  ENGWKD20
As always, volunteers get in free, but this helps you to bring other family members and/or friends along to play while you work :-)
Please contact Sue Benjamin and/or Adam Reimnitz to help out.
Sue Benjamin:  jbenja6460@verizon.net
Adam Reimnitz: reimn004@umn.edu