Central PA Engineers Week Banquet | AIChE


Central PA Engineers Week Banquet

Thursday, February 22, 2024,
5:00pm to 8:00pm
In-Person / Local
3804 Lisburn Road
Mechanicsburg, PA 17055
United States

The annual Central Pennsylvania Engineers Week Banquet (CPEWC) is scheduled for Thursday, February 22, at Liberty Forge Country Club, 3804 Lisburn Rd., Mechanicsburg, PA.  

Attached is the registration form.  RSVP is February 10th.  If interested in attending, please email Nicole Lindemuth at nmlindemuth@modjeski.com with your menu selection.  You will be sent an invoice by email, which will give you link for payment with a credit card.  The payment is not required by the 10th - it can be submitted later.    

Awards will be presented for Engineer of the Year, Young Engineer of the Year, and John H. McCormick Educational Outreach Award.  

The speaker will be Amulya Yadav from Penn State, and his topic will be "Sidestepping the Black-Box: A New Paradigm for Explainable AI".  Additional information about the speaker is attached.