Seminar on Corrosion Prevention and Control | AIChE


Seminar on Corrosion Prevention and Control

Tuesday, November 11, 2014, 2:00pm CST
In-Person / Local
Engineers' Club
4359 Lindell Blvd
Saint Louis, MO 63108
United States

Don't miss this opportunity to brush up on topics of preventing and controlling corrosion in the chemical process industries. Three speakers will cover diverse topics during the afternoon:

Jim Briem, Briem Engineering, “Materials Selection in the Process Industry”
Jim Dooley, Corrpro Companies, Inc. "Cathodic Protection"
Patrick Lombard, Briem Engineering, “Piping & Vessel Inspection”

At dinner, the speaker will be: John Haake, Titanova, Inc. "Diode Laser Cladding, Heat Treating and Welding"

Attendees will receive 3 PDHs for the seminar and 1 PDH for the dinner talk.  See below for abstracts of each talk.

2:00-2:30 Registration
2:30-6:00 Seminar
6:00-6:30 Happy Hour
6:30-7:00 Dinner
7:00-8:00 Presentation


  AIChE Section Members Non-Section Members Student
Seminar and Dinner $50 $55 $15
Seminar Only $35 $40 $10
Dinner Only $20 $20 $10

We will also be able to take payments at Registration via credit card using Paypal. In order to cover the fee charged by Paypal, an additional $1.00 will be charged for each seminar and dinner paid for by this method ($2 total for both).

Menu: Caesar Salad, Orzo Pasta, House Made Baked Cannelloni, Chicken Piccata, Assorted Rolls, Dessert and Coffee and Tea

RSVP: David Haselbauer at 314-660-3523 or by noon on November 4th.
Reservations made and not cancelled by noon, November 5th, will be billed to you.

Those AIChE local members attending the seminar will receive two chances to win the attendance prize drawing. Those attending the dinner and program after will receive one chance to win the attendance prize. These are cumulative, so those attending both get a total of three chances. For full details about the attendance prize drawings to be held at the April Service Awards meeting, please see the website.


Materials Selection in the Process Industries
By James J. Briem, P.E.

The objective of this lesson is to provide an overview of the many factors which should be considered when selecting a metallic or non-metallic material of construction. Some of the factors are obvious; others are not so obvious. Often, neglect of the not-so-obvious factors results in costly equipment failures.

This lesson will elaborate briefly on corrosion considerations, stress loading, and a few other factors which affect material selection. Initial and ongoing cost considerations will be reviewed.

Cathodic Protection
By Jim Dooley

Corrosion  is  a  process  that  attacks  metallic  pipelines  and  on  grade  storage  tanks  often  resulting  in environmentally damaging leaks and increased safety concerns, not to mention higher maintenance and operating costs.  Cathodic protection is an economically and technically effective means of controlling corrosion on buried or submerged metallic structures. The goal of this presentation is  to identify and explain in an easily understood manner the corrosion process and cathodic protection applications for piping systems, storage tanks, and marine structures. Topics to be covered include: 1) Causes of corrosion; 2) Galvanic and impressed current cathodic protection systems; 3) Applications for piping systems, storage tank bottoms, and plant structures; and 4) Cathodic protection Operation & Maintenance procedures. This  session  is  highly  recommended  for  owners,  operations  personnel,  consultants,  contractors,  and governmental agencies involved with oil and gas piping, fuel storage tanks, and marine terminals.

Piping and Pressure Vessel Inspection
By Patrick Lombard

The objectives of this lesson are to provide an overview of piping and vessel inspection standards and codes and to present examples of piping and pressure vessel failure modes.  Questions of why to inspect, what to inspect, when to inspect and how to inspect will be answered.  Early warning signs and common deficiencies will also be presented.

Diode Laser Cladding, Heat Treating and Welding
By Mr. John Haake

High power direct diode lasers are enabling novel processes such as laser cladding, laser heat treating, and laser welding due to their unique surface only heating capability, high electro-optical efficiency, and unique beam shape. Diode laser cladding of advanced nickel/chrome and metal-carbide hardfacing alloys for addressing life enhancement of components will be presented. The diode laser has many attributes that enable the unique ability to weld very thin and smooth clad layers of advanced alloys onto steel substrates with little dilution, low distortion, and at high deposition rates creating superior material properties at much lower costs. The benefits of diode laser heat treating for case hardening of components fabricated from heat treatable steels, stainless steels, and cast irons will be presented. The benefits and applications of diode lasers for conduction mode welding and brazing will also discussed. The advantages of diode lasers versus traditional industrial lasers such as CO2 and Nd:YAG, and non-laser heating technologies such as salt bath, RF induction, TIG, MIG, and plasma for each of these applications will be presented. Diode lasers have applications throughout all industries from medical instruments to mining equipment.