Laclede Gas' Cast Iron Main Replacement Program | AIChE


Laclede Gas' Cast Iron Main Replacement Program

Thursday, May 29, 2014, 5:00pm CDT
In-Person / Local
Engineers' Club of St. Louis
4359 Lindell Blvd.
St. Louis, MO 63108
United States

You have probably seen the “work in progress” throughout the city.  If you’ve been wondering what’s going on, please join us for the May meeting of the St. Louis AIChE Chapter!

Central crew members Chris Niemann (running the mini excavator) and Vince Dilg (locating utilities in the hole) work in the city of St. Louis on a cast iron replacement project.

Michelle Piry Haines from Laclede Gas will give a presentation on the Cast Iron Main Replacement Program currently underway in the City of St. Louis. The Cast Iron Main Replacement Program is on track to replace approximately 1,200 miles of bare steel and cast iron mains in the area.  Michelle will discuss the history of cast iron gas mains and the reasons for replacing them.  She will also review the thought process for developing the plan, the progress to date, and the next phases of the plan.

5:00-5:45 pm Registration / Socializing
5:45-6:45 pm Dinner
6:45-7:45 pm Presentation

MENU: Caesar salad, cannelloni, and chicken piccatta

COST:  $22

Please RSVP to Miriam Press at or 314-910-8427 by May 23rd.

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