Alloys: The Metallurgist's Perspective | AIChE


Alloys: The Metallurgist's Perspective

Wednesday, January 21, 2015, 5:00pm CST
In-Person / Local
The Engineers' Club
4359 Lindell Blvd
Saint Louis, MO 63108
United States

Speaker: John P Crowe, Adjunct Professor of Metallurgy at Jefferson College.

The presentation will be divided into 3 distinct sections:

  1. Overview of alloy families.
  2. Metal fabrication processes and techniques.
  3. Unique and lesser known metals and alloys

Professor Crowe’s presentation is aimed at sparking your imagination to inquire and/or to investigate how new metals solutions may offer an innovative way to meet the processing challenges of today’s engineer.

Section I will provide overview information for a wide spectrum of alloy families, highlighting:

  1. How alloys are solid solutions, with “not always” predictable properties.
  2. The numbering systems that identify the chemical makeup.
  3. How alloys properties can be “custom tailored” to meet a particular need.

Section II will provide information of metal fabrication technologies, both old and new.  This information will help your company team evaluate “Best Practices”, as practically driven by ROI decision framework.  (Professor Crowe refers to it as “making you dangerous”.)  It will also include a overview of how certain wrought products are fabricated and the resultant properties and property possibilities.

Section III will touch on a few special alloys with unique properties and case study functionality with reliability results.

Professor Crowe has 40+ years of experience in metals fabricating manufacture in a variety of roles, from machinist, purchasing, Technical Sales, Plant manager, and even Vice President and President of companies with sales in the $1million/year to $50 million/year range.

Most of his career focused on nonferrous metals.  He has provided effective liaison between producing mill metallurgists and design engineers, including Mechanical Engineers and Electrical Engineers.  He has consulted with major electrical OEMs like Bussmann, Emerson, Square D, and Boeing.  In many of the applications, the many properties/parameters of yield strength, modulus of elasticity, stress relaxation, and conductivity must be balance appropriately to make complex geometric parts with assured ease of formability.  

Over the course of his career, Professor Crowe has accepted invitations for over 800 factory tours from small companies to huge corporations.  The collaborations have lead to improvements in product performance and/or changes in the manufacturing processing. 

Professor Crowe has performed many metallurgy seminars tailored to meet the particular needs of a client company.  Professor Crowe formal course curriculum includes “Introduction to Metallurgy” and “Dimensional Metrology” for students enrolled in the “Career and Technical Education” school at Jefferson College.

NOTE:   1 PDH (Professional Development Hour) will be awarded.


5:00-5:45 pm Registration / Socializing
5:45-6:45 pm Dinner
6:45-8:15 pm Presentation


Caesar Salad, Assorted Rolls and Flatbreads, Three Leaves Chicken  ( Boneless Chicken Breast Stuffed with Proscuito, Aromatic Herbs, Jarelsburg Swiss, Roasted and Finished with a Sage & Brandy Cream Sauce), Roasted Red Garlic Mashed Potatoes, Chef’s Seasonal Vegetables

COST: AIChE Local Chapter Members:    $25.00
           Non-Members:                               $30.00
           Students:                                       $10.00
(There is a $1 surcharge if paying by credit card).

NOTE:  Reservations made for dinner, and not cancelled by 10:00 am January 16th will be billed to you.  Meals are pre-ordered to the caterer by the registered headcount for the event.

Please RSVP to by email to  by January 15th (Thursday).   If you have questions, you may call Mike Gentilcore at 314-562-3195.  Again, any cancellations are requested by 10:00 am January 16th.


This year the Section is offering an additional incentive to attend local meetings.  By attending any of the local section meetings from September, 2014 to April, 2015 you may win an AIChE logo gift item as an attendance prize.  Details are available on the website