The following is a summary of what each officer of the section does along with an estimate of the time (per month) you may spend conducting those duties. The estimates are deliberately high, especially if you have served in another position. If you have any questions or what more information, contact any current officer or send a note to Bob Gale at
Chair (10-12 hr)
- Held after term as Vice Chair is complete
- Motivate and encourage other officers to support and organize activities.
- Submit annual registration report to the Missouri Secretary of State by August 31.
- Call and conduct meetings.
- Maintain communication between local section and National AIChE.
- Prepare the Annual Report to AIChE with help of treasurer.
- Writes monthly newsletter items via e-mail.
- Designs the programming schedule with input from the section officers.
- Schedules face-to-face officers meetings (2-3/year) and officer phone calls as necessary.
- Reviews the necessary action items at the regularly scheduled officers meeting.
- Has signature authority for the bank account.
- Responsible for regularly reviewing the section financial condition with the treasurer.
Vice Chair (6-8 hr)
- Elected Position - 3 year term to hold Vice Chair, Chair, Past Chair positions
- Enjoys voting privilege on decisions of the section
- Lead meetings and fill in for chair if needed.
- Act as program chair if one is not assigned.
- Assist Chair in key leadership duties.
- Design program for following year with input and assistance from other officers.
- Execute special projects as deemed necessary by the chair or other officers.
- Commits to assuming Chair position for next calendar year
- Marketing Committee Chair
Past Chair (1-2 hr)
- Held after term of Chair is complete
- Enjoys voting privilege on decisions of the section
- Serve as a resource to the new Chair and Vice Chair
- Work with Directors to find a slate of new officers for the following term
Director (3 hr)
- Elected - 3 year position
- Enjoys voting privilege on decisions of the section
- Attends Officer meetings and phone calls
- Provides objective advice to officers
- Offers insights and comments about section activities
- Keeps current leadership informed on past organizational practices.
- Execute special projects as deemed important to the section.
- Participates/offers assistance where needed
Secretary (4-6 hr)
- Elected position
- Enjoys voting privilege on decisions of the section
- Mails the paper copies of the newsletter and/or section meetings.
- Keeps records and handles correspondence.
- Keep and distribute executive committee section meeting minutes.
- Records the action items from previous meetings.
- Maintains section files (most are current).
- Submit information for Annual report (number of meetings and attendees at functions) and section history.
- Complete Not-for-Profit Registration with MO SOS.
Treasurer (2-5 hr)
- Elected position
- Enjoys voting privilege on decisions of the section
- Manages sign-in and payment collection for monthly meetings
- Prepare annual budget (in cooperation with other officers).
- Files annual federal “postcard” tax return
- Prepares and submit the Treasurer’s report to AIChE-National
- Works with AIChE-National to arrange local section dues, accounting, and remittance.
- General management of section financial assets
- Record keeping - tracking meeting income and expenses
Webmaster (3-4 hr)
- Appointed by Chair
- Post events and other useful information to the website including jobs that have been submitted.
- Maintain Listserv email list.
- Monitor the board e-mail traffic and extract and share relevant information with section members.
- Respond to email traffic as needed.
- Provide support for the board in advertizing and monitoring elections and encouraging officer candidates.
Engineering Center Affiliate Society Liaison (1-2 hr)
- Appointed by Chair
- Attends Engineering Center (EC) meetings (held quarterly)
- Offers assistance with EC special projects as deemed important to the section
- Act as main point of contact/“go-between” on EC issues
- The time commitment varies as the meetings are quarterly and participation in activities is as you see fit
Young Professional Liaison (1-2 hr)
- Appointed by Chair
- Maintain contact with the AIChE Young Professional Committee (YPC)
- Work on a marketing strategy geared at YP’s
- Help prepare and lead meetings that are of interest to YP’s
- Facilitate networking between young professionals and graduating engineers
- Work on YP-specific events, such as happy hours, to build comradery
Student Liaison (1-2 hr)
- Appointed by chair
- Maintain contact with Universities and Student Sections
- Work on a marketing strategy geared at students
- Help prepare and lead meetings that are of interest to students
- Facilitate networking between young professionals and graduating engineers
- Organize student awards
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