AIChE North Jersey Dinner Meeting: Gasoline Blend Optimization via Linear & Non-Linear Programming Optimizers | AIChE


AIChE North Jersey Dinner Meeting: Gasoline Blend Optimization via Linear & Non-Linear Programming Optimizers

Tuesday, April 26, 2016,
6:00pm to 9:00pm
In-Person / Local
58 Eisenhower Pkwy
Roseland, NJ 07068
United States

DINNER MEETING: Tuesday, April 26, 2016

“Gasoline Blend Optimization via Linear & Non-Linear Programming Optimizers”

Scheduled Speaker:

Ara Barsamian

Enjoying under $2.00/gal gasoline? The United States consumes about 9 million barrels per day of the stuff, worth over a tenth of a trillion dollars a year, so every little improvement is worth billions. Optimization of the production 

process to lower costs is therefore key. This can be done by squeezing every “angle”, from minimizing property giveaway by judicious calculation of “optimum” blending recipes, to exploiting cheap Ethanol “octane “boost”; from maximizing the use of cheap Butane, to using non-linear property calculations 

to push against specification constraints. The tools utilized for this are linear or non-linear programming (LP, NLP) based optimizers. The presentation will cover a case study using a gasoline blend optimizer to illustrate the economic impact on the US economy. 

Ara Barsamian is an expert and recognized authority on gasoline, diesel, and bunker blending. He has 45 years of fuels blending experience with Exxon, 3X Corporation, ABB, and Refinery Automation Institute. Mr. Barsamian has published over 100 papers on blending in O&GJ, Hydrocarbon Processing, Hydrocarbon Engineering, and Bunker World. He also teaches blending courses around the world. He has a M. E. degree in Electrical Engineering from CCNY-City University of New York.

Registration and NETWORKING 6:00 to 6:30 PM
Dinner 6:30 to 7:30 PM
Presentations and Discussion 7:30 to 9:00 PM

Jim Johnston’s Steak House, 
58 Eisenhower Pkwy, Roseland, NJ 07687-1634 
Phone: 973-228-2457

Members & Guests: $25 
Retired Members: $15 

To Peter Sibilski at

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