DINNER MEETING: Tuesday, February 17, 2015
“Job Boards: The Road to Nowhere?”
Annual Scholarship Presentations
There are dozens if not hundreds of Internet-based websites that claim they will help you find a job. Companies like Monster.com, CareerBuilder.com, Indeed.com, Simplyhired.com, , etc. all claim to be able to find you the “perfect” position. But do job boards really work? Or is there a better way?
Please join us for a presentation on the importance of networking, and how this methodology can dramatically improve your chances of finding your dream job. The discussion will include tips on how to network effectively and develop your “elevator speech”. Our ice-breaker will help you hone your networking skills and/or identify areas for improvement. Various networking “success stories” will also be presented for additional insight on the benefits of networking. Highlighting this event will be the presentation of scholarships to chemical engineering students from NJIT and Steven’s Institute of Technology.
Details and directions are attached
AIChE February Mixer
Want to network with like-minded people?
Come network with young professionals in your area
Thursday, February 26th from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Grasshopper off the Green
Irish Pub & Restaurant
Details attached
(appetizers provided by the North Jersey Section, AIChE)
Details are attached
Addressing Scale-Up Challenges in the
Pharma, Biotech and 91˶Ƶ Process Industries
Date and Location:
February 11, 2015 | 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
157 Route 10 East, Whippany, NJ 07981
The pharmaceutical and chemical process industries face many challenges, such as the rising costs of raw material and the need to develop processes and innovative products that meet safety regulation and performance demands. As the complexity of these operations continues to increase, poor scale-up designs lead to incrementally lower production yield, higher material cost, and a reduced bottom-line.
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and particle modeling with Discrete Element Method (DEM) have been identified as key enabling technologies in finding solutions to many of the challenges that surround scale-up; capable of reducing operating costs across manufacturing and quality divisions.
Please join us for this workshop as we explore the benefits of applying CFD in the chemical process, pharmaceutical and biotech industries. For more information, please click on the link below or paste it into your browser.
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
“Grid-Scale Electricity Storage and Dispatch
Carbon Capture with Power Generation”
Scheduled Speakers:
Bernard Ennis, P.E., & Jacinta Schultz
The speakers will describe the requirements and techno-economic issues at play in meeting the challenges presented as increasing amounts of renewable electricity are dispatched into the power grid. Grid stability has emerged as a global issue as the percentage of renewables to the grid from all sources has increased. Wind and solar power systems are being deployed aggressively due to improving economics and public policy. These power sources are intermittent generators and rapid compensating capacity adjustments must be made in real time from other power generators. The speakers will present the European and U.S. experiences, assess the future risk, review current electricity storage technologies and propose a novel solution.
Details are attached
Senior Process Engineer position available - details attached
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