2020 AIChE KC Officer Nominations | AIChE


2020 AIChE KC Officer Nominations

Officer Elections

Please nominate anyone you think would be a great fit for an officer position (which can include yourself!). Make your nominations .

Elections are coming up Wednesday, November 20th at Cinzetti's, so get your nomainations in soon!


Open Positions:

Vice Chair (2 years) - Plans and arranges monthly section meetings which includes communicating with venues, speakers, and other entities to organize activities. Also assists other officers, especially the Chairman, in the performance of their duties and becomes the Chairman the following year.

Treasurer (2 years) - Handle the AIChE KC finances.

Secretary - Prepares and sends out the monthly newsletter and meeting notices, maintains the section mailing list, and records minutes of officer meetings.

Webmaster - Maintains and updates the local section website and social media (Facebook and Twittter) pages and provides e-commerce (PayPal) links for the newsletter, etc.

Membership Chair - Helps the local section recruit and retain members, coordinates with company liaisons, and plans section social events and young professional events.

Outreach Chair - Organizes the local section's involvement in STEM activities for students in the Greater Kansas City area. Also facilitates engagement and benchmarking with other AIChE local sections and other local professional organizations through the JEC.

Becoming an officer is a great way to leave your mark on the KC Local Section of AIChE and influence the type of speakers we have and the events we do. It can also help you develop some great contacts for the future. We encourage you to run for a position!