Plant Trip to Community Beer Company | AIChE


Plant Trip to Community Beer Company

Friday, November 11, 2022,
5:00pm to 8:00pm
In-Person / Local
3110 Commonwealth Dr
Dallas, TX 75247
United States

Our section will visit the Community Beer Company in Dallas on the date listed and we have been promised that a master brewer will provide us a more technical tour. Everyone interested is welcome to participate, although it would be helpful if you let us know of your plans to attend by confirming to We would appreciate if you can confirm as soon as you can so that we can have a good count of participants.

The fee for the tour is $20 per person and includes two beers. If you participate, please bring the $20 with you as we have to pay at the start of the tour. We suggest you arrive around 4:45 pm so that we can start the tour at the planned time.