AIChE Cleveland Section Steering Committee and Outreach Programs 2021- 2022 | AIChE


AIChE Cleveland Section Steering Committee and Outreach Programs 2021- 2022

Friday, November 5, 2021, 2:00pm EDT to Friday, December 31, 2021, 2:00pm EST
In-Person / Local
Akron, OH
United States

AIChE Local Section Vision Statement

AIChE Local Sections serve as the lifelong professional home for AIChE members in all sectors of chemical engineering. Each AIChE member is affiliated with one or more Local Sections, and for many, the Local Section is the most personal and accessible point of contact for professional support from AIChE. Local Sections, with the oversight and guidance of the Local Section Steering Committee, exist to provide support in the areas of career and leadership development, continuing education, networking, and supporting the local community. Every Local Section provides the best support possible by taking into account the local interests and needs of its members, In-turn, Local Sections depend on dedicated volunteers to support programming and pay dues. With this support, Local Sections can remain active and thriving and provide benefits to members that far outweigh the costs of membership such that all AIChE members will participate in Local Sections. As Local Sections continue to grow, all Local Sections will strive to be self-sustaining, highly relevant to all AIChE Members, and advanced in the use of information technology (web and social media) to reach out to the community and members with more value.