Approved by the Membership, 2008
Section 1. The name of this group shall be the Materials Engineering and Sciences Division of the 91成人短视频.
Section 2. This Division, which is concerned with the broad field of Materials Engineering and Sciences, is formed in accordance with the Constitution, By-laws, and Rules of the 91成人短视频.
Section 3. The objectives of the Division shall be:
(a) to further the application of 91成人短视频 Engineering in the fields of Materials Engineering and Sciences;
(b) to provide opportunities for engineers and scientists interested in materials to exchange information through meetings, seminars, courses, and publications;
(c) to coordinate the AIChE activities in the field of materials with those of other societies working in the same area;
(d) to provide a forum for the interchange of information and ideas on materials between the producing engineer and the educator;
(e) to cooperate with other Divisions (especially those cosponsoring programming, e.g., ComSEF, NSEF, PTF, FP&BE, CRE, SEP), Committees (e.g., RANTC), and Technical Societies (e.g., SBE) of the AIChE in matters concerning materials –
(f) to encourage emphasis on materials in chemical engineering education and graduate research; and
(g) to promote and to help orient research and development activities in the field of materials.
Section 4. The Division is under the supervision and control of the Council of the AIChE. Divisional programming activities shall be carried out in cooperation with and coordinated with the Program Committee of the AIChE. The Division does not have the authority to act for or in the name of the 91成人短视频 or to incur any financial obligations in the name of the AIChE.
Section 1. Members of the Division shall be members of the AIChE who have paid the annual Division dues. (see Article VI, Section 1.) Typically at the invitation of programming committee members, nonmembers of the AIChE may join the Division for three years with the approval of the Executive Committee of the Division. By the end of this time they must have applied for some grade of membership in the AIChE in order to continue as members of the Division.
Section 1. The activities of the Division shall be directed by an Executive Committee consisting of the current four officers, the immediate past Chair of the Division, four persons elected as Directors from the membership of the Division, one representative from each of the MESD programming areas (typically each area’s programming chair who is working on the upcoming year) all with voting privileges, and a liaison representative appointed by the 91成人短视频 Technology Operating Council (CTOC) of the AIChE and serving as an ex-officio member without voting privileges.
Section 2. The officers of the Division shall be a Chair, a First Vice Chair, a Second Vice Chair and a Secretary-Treasurer, all of whom shall hold membership in the Division and shall be Members or Associate Members of the AIChE. The term of office shall be for one year. Succession from Second Vice Chair to First Vice Chair shall be automatic. The Chair shall not be eligible for reelection. The term of the Secretary-Treasurer may be extended annually by the Executive Committee if no other candidates have been nominated.
Section 3. Directors of the division, all of whom must be members of AIChE, shall be elected for a term of two years each. Two directors will be elected each year. Directors are eligible for reelection. While the Officers are ordinarily occupied with programming and membership service, Directors will assist the Committee in the pursuit of Division objectives and will ordinarily chair task committees as directed by the Executive Committee.
Section 4. The First Vice Chair shall perform the duties of the Chair in the latter's absence. In the event of a vacancy in the office of Chair, the First Vice Chair shall act as Chair until the next annual election. If a vacancy occurs in any of the other positions on the Executive Committee, the Executive Committee, to fill the unexpired term, shall appoint a replacement from the Executive Committee for an officer or from the membership for a Director.
Section 5. The First Vice Chair shall be responsible for programs which are presented during the year in which he/she holds this office. The Second Vice Chair shall be responsible for initiating programs which are to be presented the following biennium.
Section 6. The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep the records of the Division. He/she shall handle the general correspondence of the Division, shall issue notices of all meetings, and shall be responsible for the mailing of the ballots. He/she shall also collect and disburse funds as authorized by the Executive Committee of the Division. At the end of each year he shall report on the finances and activities of the Division to the Executive Committee of the Division and to the Secretary of the AIChE.
Section 7. There shall be a program Committee, headed by the First Vice Chair (see Article III, Section 5) and staffed by members selected by the Chair of the Division with the approval of the Executive Committee. The Program Committee shall plan the programming activities of the Division and coordinate these with the programs of the AIChE, of other Divisions, and of related groups outside the AIChE. One or more committee members will be designated to represent the Division on the Program Committee of the AIChE.
Section 8. Subcommittees may be formed at the discretion of the Executive Committee. Examples include the Web Subcommittee, the Newsletter Subcommittee, and the Award Subcommittee. Subcommittees will be reviewed annually by the Executive Committee. These chairs hold ex officio membership on the Executive Committee, and they will ordinarily be asked to give reports at Committee meetings.
Section 1. There shall be at least one business meeting of the Division each year, held during an Annual Meeting of the Institute.
Section 2. The Chair shall notify the Executive Committee of all meetings of the Division at least three weeks in advance of such meetings. The full MESD membership will be invited to attend the Executive Committee meeting.
Section 3. The Chair of the Division shall preside at all meetings of the Division and of the Executive Committee. In his/her absence the First Vice Chair, the Second Vice Chair, or the Secretary-Treasurer, in that order, shall preside.
Section 4. Except where otherwise stated in these By-laws, all actions at a meeting of the Division will be decided by a majority of those voting.
Section 5. The order of business for meetings of the Division shall be determined by the presiding officer (see Article IV, Section 7) and will include the reading of the minutes of previous meetings, reports of committees, and new business.
Section 6. The Executive Committee shall meet two to four times each calendar year. Meetings may be called by the Chair at such places and times as he/she may deem advisable. Meetings may also be called on the request of four members of the Executive Committee. The Chair shall notify the Executive Committee of all meetings at least three weeks in advance.
Section 7. A quorum is required for a vote. A simple majority of voting members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum. Except where otherwise stated in these Bylaws, all actions of the Executive Committee shall be by majority vote of those voting members attending. If a tie vote results, the decision shall take the course voted by the presiding officer. The presiding officer may also choose to conduct a vote by email after the meeting.
Section 8. Any member of the Executive Committee who fails to attend at least one Executive Committee meeting during a calendar year, or otherwise participate in Executive Committee functions shall be considered to have tendered his/her resignation from the Executive Committee, subject to acceptance or rejection by the Executive Committee.
Section 1. The Chair, the Second Vice Chair, the Secretary-Treasurer, and the Directors on the Executive Committee shall be elected by official ballot made available to the members of the Division on or about September 1. As provided in Article III, Section 4, the new First Vice Chair shall have advanced automatically from his/her previous position as Second Vice Chair. Election shall be by a majority of those voting. Three weeks shall be allowed between the posting of the ballot and the counting of the votes. The votes shall be counted by a representative of the national office, which shall certify the count to the Executive Committee.
Section 2. A Nominating Subcommittee shall be formed in April of each year. The Chair of the Executive Committee shall be the Chair of the Nominating Subcommittee and shall appoint to the committee at least two additional members of the Division who are not currently serving as officers. This group shall formulate a slate of candidates including two or more candidates for each elective position. Other nominations for each elective position will be accepted if nominated by a current Executive Committee member or if petitioned for by at least 5 percent of the membership and submitted to the Chair.
Section 3. No member shall be eligible for election to more than one office at any one time.
Section 1. Annual dues shall be as determined by the Executive Committee of the Division. They shall be payable by January 1 to the Secretary-Treasurer of the Division. Those members who are delinquent on March 1 will be dropped from the rolls of the Division. Members joining after March 1 will be dropped if their dues are not paid within two months after they join.
Section 2. The Executive Committee will make all other regulations regarding payment of dues and will provide for an annual audit of the finances of the Division.
Section 3. The offices of the Chair, the Secretary-Treasurer, the Chair of the Program Committee, and, if designated, the Chair of the Membership Committee and the Chair of the Publicity Committee shall each have available a drawable fund for expenses. The amount shall be determined by the Executive Committee. The funds shall be administered by the Secretary-Treasurer. Items which are reimbursable will be defined by the Executive Committee, subject to review by the Council of the AIChE.
Section 1. The Executive Committee of the Division shall determine any question concerning the interpretations of the Bylaws, subject to the jurisdiction of the Council of the AIChE.
Section 2. In all respects not specifically covered in these Bylaws, the general rules of the AIChE governing the conduct of the Divisions shall apply.
Section 3. In the decision of procedural matters not otherwise covered in these Bylaws, Robert's Rules of Order will prevail.
Section 1. All proposed amendments to these Bylaws must be reduced to 10 percent of the Division membership.
Section 2. A proposed amendment and a ballot shall be sent to all Division members by first-class mail at least three weeks before the date specified for the return of the ballot. A two-thirds affirmative vote of those replying shall approve the amendment. The amendment
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