Marcelo Carmo | AIChE


Marcelo Carmo

Director of Technology
Nel Hydrogen

Dr. Marcelo Carmo is Director of Technology at Nel Hydrogen, USA. From 2019 until 2021 he was acting-Director of the Institute of Energy and Climate Research - Electrochemical Process Engineering (IEK-14) in Germany. He was also Adjunct Professor at Queen鈥檚 University, Canada from 2020 until 2023. Marcelo has served as Operating Agent for the International Energy Agency from 2017 until 2023 for the TCP-AFC Electrolysis Annex 30. He was Head of the Electrochemistry-Electrolysis Department of IEK-14 in Julich in Germany from 2016 until 2019, and group leader from 2014 until 2016. Marcelo鈥檚 R&D focus is on electrolysis technology at different development stages and cell/stack sizes. This includes research and development on nanostructures and materials for alkaline electrolysis, PEM electrolysis and AEM electrolysis. The focus of all activities is on increasing efficiency, reducing costs and improving the long-term stability of the novel nanostructures, materials, thin layers and cell/stack components used in these devices.