Harald Janovjak | AIChE


Harald Janovjak

Associate Professor
Monash University

Harald Janovjak received his undergraduate degree in Biology from the Biocenter of the University of Basel and his doctorate for research in single-molecule biophysics from the laboratory of Daniel J. M眉ller at the University of Technology Dresden. After post-doctoral research in the laboratories of Ehud Y. Isacoff at the University of California Berkeley and Dirk Trauner at the Ludwig Maximilians University Munich in molecular neuroscience, Harald joined the Institute of Science and Technology Austria near Vienna as an Assistant Professor.

Since 2018, Harald is an EMBL Australia group leader based at the Australian Regenerative Medicine Institute (ARMI) and Monash University. His principle research interest is to manipulate animal physiology using synthetic biology with a focus on identifying new approaches for tissue regeneration.

Harald was most recently awarded an ARC Future Fellowship and received the Future Research Leader award of the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, a career integration grant of the European Union framework program, a long-term fellowship of the European Molecular Biology Organization, and young investigator fellowships of the Swiss National Science Foundation and the German Research Foundation. 

For more information, please also visit the Janovjak Group website ().