Christine Hrenya | AIChE


Christine Hrenya

Professor Christine Hrenya is no stranger to the PTF. She obtained her BS in chemical engineering at The Ohio State University and Ph.D. at Carnegie Mellon University with Professor Jennifer Sinclair Curtis. Professor Hrenya's work focuses on bridging micro-level physics and macro-level behavior in fluidization bridging cohesive flow, heat transfer, flow instabilities, and polydispersity. Her research has resulted in over 110 articles, 9 postdocs, and 16 Ph.D. students. Professor Hrenya has contributed greatly in terms of service, including Chairing the 2016 AIChE Annual meeting. She is the recipient of many honors including the AIChE PTF PSRI Lectureship Award in Fluidization, AIChE PTF Service Award, and the first recipient of AIChE PTF Best Ph.D. Award.