Process Safety Division Student Design Competition Award for Safety | AIChE


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Process Safety Division Student Design Competition Award for Safety

There will be up to four awards ($600 each) for the appropriate application of inherent safety in the designs from the individual and team AIChE Student Design Competitions. A subcommittee of the Process Safety Division will evaluate and pick the award recipients.


The winners of this award will receive a check for $600 from the Process Safety Division of AIChE. Each inherent safety winning solution (team or individual) will be awarded a total prize of $600 to be divided by the team winners.

DeadlineJune 12, 2021
AdministratorsProcess Safety Division (PSD)
PresentationAwards are presented at the Student Awards Ceremony during the Annual Student Conference.
Nomination Instructions

The awards will be granted to the teams or individuals who apply some of the following concepts of inherent safety in their designs:

  1. Design the plant for easier and effective maintainability
  2. Design the plant with less waste
  3. Design the plant with special features that demonstrate inherent safety
  4. Include design concepts regarding the entire life cycle

The school must have a student chapter of AIChE. The report will need a separate section titled "inherent safety" to describe the design features that represent inherent safety. The Process Safety Division will evaluate all of the designs that are submitted for the AIChE Student Design Competition using the inherent safety criteria mentioned above.

The AIChE designs are submitted to AIChE Awards Administrator, 120 Wall Street, 23rd Floor, New York, NY 10005; Ph./Fax: 646-495-1384/646-495-1503.

Award winners