Donald Q. Kern Award | AIChE


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Donald Q. Kern Award

In honor of Donald Q. Kern, pioneer in process heat transfer, the Division recognizes an individual's expertise in a given field of heat transfer or energy conversion.

Established in 1973 by the Executive Committee of the Heat Transfer and Energy Conversion, now known as the Transport and Energy Processes Division of AIChE, the award honors Donald Q. Kern, a pioneer in the field of process heat transfer, and commemorates his outstanding contributions as a researcher, educator, author, and practicing engineer.

The Donald Q. Kern Award is bestowed annually in recognition of the expertise in a given field of heat transfer, transport phenomena, and energy processes. 

Special emphasis is given to contributions that have significant practical applications. 

Currently, the award is financially supported by the Transport and Energy Processes Division (TEP) of AIChE.


A plaque and $1,000.

DeadlineAugust 31, 2023
AdministratorsTransport and Energy Processes Division (TEP)
PresentationThe winner will have the option to receive the award at an AIChE-sponsored or co-sponsored conference such as the Summer Heat Transfer Conference or AIChE Annual or Spring Meeting (registration fee and travel costs are not covered).
Nomination Instructions

All nominations for the Kern Award should be sent (electronically only) to by August 31 who will forward them to the Award Selection Committee. All nominations stand for three years and can be renewed once for another three years.

Nomination Form

Award winners