CRE Practice Award | AIChE


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CRE Practice Award

Deadline: April 30, 2025

This award, given biennially (in odd-numbered years), recognizes individuals who have made pioneering contributions to industrial practice of catalysis and chemical reaction engineering. 

The candidate must have made important and specific technical contributions, verifiable by means of well-documented evidential materials, to the invention, development, design or implementation of industrial products, catalysts or processes through ingenious and creative application of chemical reaction engineering and/or catalysis concepts.

Awardees will be selected based on their contributions to the discovery and application of innovative catalysis or reaction engineering solutions to technological problems, and/or commercialization of new products and processes. Candidate must be an AIChE member. Candidates may be from academia, national labs, or industry.


A plaque and cash award of $1,000

AdministratorsCatalysis and Reaction Engineering Division (CRE)
PresentationThe award is presented annually at the Division Reception or Dinner. The recipient is also invited to give a special lecture at the AIChE Annual Meeting.
Nomination Instructions

Nomination packages should include an AIChE Division Award Nomination Form including an award citation, a two page (maximum) double-spaced nomination statement, a two page CV, and up to four supporting letters. Submit the nomination by April 30, 2025 via e-mail to Rachel Getman

Deadline: April 30, 2025

Nomination Form

Award winners