CAST Directors’ Student Presentation Award | AIChE


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CAST Directors’ Student Presentation Award

The CAST Division calls for nomination of student presentation award finalists. Eight students will be selected as finalists to present a research paper during the AIChE Annual Meeting.

Nomination package is due April 15, 2024. Note that the student's AIChE membership number must be a part of the nomination package. The nomination material must be sent electronically as a single package to: Faruque Hasan Student presentation award finalists will be announced by June 20, 2024.

The review process will be coordinated by the Student Presentation Award Chair, and the presentations will be judged by the CAST Directors and other members of the CAST Executive Committee.


The award consists of a plaque and a monetary prize:

- 1st Place: $1500

- 2nd Place: $500

- 3rd Place: $200

DeadlineApril 15, 2024
AdministratorsComputing & Systems Technology Division (CAST)
PresentationAward winners will be honored at the CAST Award Dinner at the following AIChE Annual Meeting.
Nomination Instructions

To be eligible, the student must be a member of AIChE and present a paper at the Annual Meeting in a CAST sponsored (or co-sponsored) session. The nomination for this award should be made by the student's research advisor. Each advisor may nominate only one student and only members of the CAST Division can nominate students. Students can win this award only once during the course of their studies. The nomination package, in the form of a single PDF file, should include:

- The presentation abstract.

- A single page resume, highlighting the student's accomplishments.

- A single page recommendation letter from the faculty advisor.

- A statement stating the student will be presenting this paper if accepted.

The following additional requirements apply:

- The candidate must be an undergraduate or graduate student when the abstract was submitted;

- The candidate must submit the abstract through the AIChE conference website (confex) by the abstract submission deadline.

- An award can be shared with multiple students in the case of a tie vote in the awards committee or if multiple students orally present the winning presentation;

- Awards will be determined by the quality of the technical content as described in the abstract, quality of the presentation slides, and quality of the oral presentation;

- At least two weeks prior to the start of the Annual Meeting, students will be required to submit the current version of their presentation and a description of the technical importance of their work as a single pdf.