Claus Due Sinding | AIChE


Claus Due Sinding

Process Engineer
Nel Hydrogen

Claus recieved his Masters of Science (M.Sc.) in Physics and Nanotechnology from Technical University of Denmark (DTU) in 2015, with specialization in Sustainable. While studying, he also conducted fuel cell research for Risø – Danish National Laboratory of Sustainable Energy and Topsoe Fuel Cell, subsidiary of Haldor Topsoe A/S as a student assistant.

After graduation, he joined H2Logic A/S in Herning, Denmark, which soon after was acquired by Nel ASA to form Nel Hydrogen Fueling. In Nel Hydrogen Claus is involved in various design engineering tasks, including Feasibility Studies, Risk Assessment (HAZOP, LOPA), Process Engineering and Thermodyncamical modelling.

Furthermore, Claus contributes to Hydrogen Refueling Protocol efforts, including SAE Interface Task Force, CSA HGV 4.3 Technical Subcommittee, PRHYDE and the H70 High-Flow Industry Group.

Claus was part of Nel’s emergency team analyzing data from the incident in Norway.