Indonesia's ITS University Wins 2017 First Place Chem-E-Car Trophy

See Official Chem-E-Car Video

Yesterday afternoon, the student team from Indonesia's ITS University clinched the top trophy in the Annual Student Conference Chem-E-Car Competition庐 finals, winning with a distance of just 2 cm. The target distance was 23.5 m and the required load was 157 ml of water. 

First place for performance, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, first place for performance

The second place winner was University of California, Irvine, followed by the teams from University of North Alabama, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, and Cooper Union. Following the photos below, a chart below lists all final-run results.

Second place for performance, UC Irvine
Second place for performance, UC Irvine

Third for performance, University of North Alabama
Third for performance, University of North Alabama

Fourth for Performance, Rose Hulman
Fourth for Performance, Rose Hulman

Fifth Place Performance, Cooper Union
5th Place Performance, Cooper Union

Winners in the poster competition were Cornell University in first place, followed by the University of Puerto Rico in second place, Mc Master University in third place, Georgia Institute of Technology in fourth place, and the University of Cincinnati in fifth place.

First place poster, Cornell
First place poster, Cornell

Second place poster, University of Puerto Rico
Second place poster, University of Puerto Rico

Third place poster, McMaster University
Third place poster, McMaster University

Fourth place poster, Georgia Tech
Fourth place poster, Georgia Tech

Fifth place poster, University of Cincinnati
Fifth place poster, University of Cincinnati

The award for the most creative drive system went to Texas Tech. The SACHE Safety Award went to Tianjin University, whose team also won the Golden Tire Award, which is given to the team and car most admired by fellow participants. KAIST was awarded a plaque for the most consistent performance, and the City College of New York won the Spirit of Competition Award. The award for best video went to ITS University, and Laval University received the award for outstanding sportsmanship.

Most creative drive, Texas Tech
Most creative drive, Texas Tech

Golden Tire Award, Tianjin University
Golden Tire Award, Tianjin University

Most consistent performance, KAIST
Most consistent performance, KAIST

Spirit of competition, City College of New York
Spirit of competition, City College of New York

Outstanding sportsmanship, Laval University
Outstanding sportsmanship, Laval University


MOHAN RAJ's picture

very excited when i am seeing this CHEM-E-CAR COMPETITION. Really,superb and awesome competiton for chemical engineers.