And the Winner of 2017 ASC ChemE Jeopardy Is...

1st place: 2017 ChemE Jeopardy Winners UC Berkely
1st place: 2017 ChemE Jeopardy Winners UC Berkely

UC Berkeley (pictured above) took home the top prize this year in the 2017 ASC ChemE Jeopardy with 8,000 points. Second and third places went to UT Austin with 7,600 points and University of Florida with 4,300 points. 

2nd: UT Austin

UT Austin


3rd: University of Florida

University of Florida


The teams competing were:

  • University of Buffalo (Mid-Atlantic Region)
  • Oregon State University (Pacific Northwest Region)
  • University of California, Berkeley (Western Region)
  • University of Florida (Southern Region)
  • Rochester Institute of Technology (Northeast Region)
  • University of Michigan (North Central Region)
  • University of Texas – Austin (Southwest Region)
  • New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology (Rocky Mountain Region)
  • Missouri University of Science & Technology (Mid-America Region)

To determine which teams would compete in the final round for the title of 2017 ChemE Jeopardy champion, all competing teams battled it out in three separate groups:

  1. University of Buffalo (Mid-Atlantic Region), Oregon State University (Pacific Northwest Region), and University of California, Berkeley (Western Region)
  2. University of Florida (Southern Region), Rochester Institute of Technology (Northeast Region), and University of Michigan (North Central Region)
  3. University of Texas – Austin (Southwest Region), New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology (Rocky Mountain Region), and Missouri University of Science & Technology (Mid-America Region)

Categories, values, clues, and responses

Here are some of the questions teams had to answer.

Category: Heat & Mass Transfer

Value: 800

Clue: The ratio of convective mass transport to diffusive mass transport.

Correct Response: What is the Sherwood Number?

Category: 91˶Ƶ Process Safety

Value: 600

Clue: The deflagration index for gases and dusts is calculated by multiplying (dP/dt)max by the volume (V) raised to this power.

Correct Response: What is 1/3?

Category: Biochemical Engineering

Value: 200

Clue: This occurs in a chemostat when the dilution rate (D) exceeds the maximum specific growth rate (µm).

Correct Response: What is washout?

You can see more ChemE Jeopardy photos on Flickr.