Interview with Venkat Pattabathula: Highlights of the 62nd Ammonia Conference

In your opinion, what is the most important current trend in ammonia and safety?

The current trend in the ammonia industry is the increased focus on plant process safety, operability, reliability, and uptime. Zero harm for everyone everywhere should be one of the core values of all the companies related to the ammonia industry.

What sessions or speakers would you like to highlight as new or noteworthy for the 62nd Annual Safety in Ammonia Plants and Related Facilities Symposium?

Some of the papers were on new ammonia projects and incidents such as failure of reformer riser tubes; converter cold shot valve failures; air compressor damage and refractory damage in secondary reformer combustion zone. These topics would be of great interest to ammonia plant operating folks.

What message would you like the audience to take away from this year鈥檚 Ammonia and Safety symposium?

Apply the lessons learned from the conference at their site or firm and share the process safety knowledge with colleagues and other staff. Encourage participation by other conference attendees.

How do you envision safety in ammonia plants advancing some of the Grand Challenges in engineering and society (medicine, health informatics, etc.)?

By inviting regulators and the discerning public to process safety sessions, networking and promoting safety culture to other industries including batch plants, and encouraging and supporting developing other uses of ammonia, such as power, hydrogen etc.

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Kotti Kumar's picture

Agree with you. Reliability and energy reduction are focussed areas in India at present. However Safety is always given importance and shall remain.