ࡱ> >@=  bjbj,(,( 42NBNB]+    8U4,z!0L  ,"\%D! !  4!v    V@q(h^ J!0z!x%%qq X!!z!% :   2013 AIChE Midwest Regional Conference January 31 February 1, 2013 Organized by the Chicago Local Section of the AIChE Hosted by the Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL Invited Session Proposal Form Dear Session Organizer, Please use this form to indicate the details of your proposed invited session. The session blocks will be 1.5 hours in duration, which provides space for 3 to 4 presentations per session. Please submit to  HYPERLINK "mailto:aichemrc@gmail.com" aichemrc@gmail.com with the words Session Proposal in the subject line. For questions, please contact the appropriate programming co-chair: Jerry Wilks  HYPERLINK "mailto:gwilks@citgo.com" gwilks@citgo.com for industrial contributions, Vijay Ramani  HYPERLINK "mailto:ramani@iit.edu" ramani@iit.edu for academic/government contributions or Aaron Matthews,  HYPERLINK "mailto:aaronbmatthews@gmail.com" aaronbmatthews@gmail.com for YP development contributions. The submission deadline is two tiered. Submissions received before October 15, 2012 will be given preference in the program. Submissions received before November 16, 2012 will be accepted based on availability of meeting space. Submissions received after November 16th will not be accepted. On behalf of the programming committee, thank you for contributing to the 2013 MRC. We look forward to your session. Session Organizer (It is expected that speakers listed on this form have been contacted and confirmed as conference participants by the session organizer. Please note the contributor registration policy outline at the end of this form.) Organizer Name: Affiliation: Email: Session Chair and Co-Chair (The session organizer need not attend the conference. In this case, please indicate who will manage the session during the conference. If you would like the programming committee to find you a chair, please indicate as such.) Chair Name: Affiliation: Email: Co-Chair Name: Affiliation: Email: Session Date Preference: (The programming committee will make every effort to grant indicated preference. The final program and timing of each session will be determined by December 1, 2012) Thursday January 31, 2013:____ Friday February 1, 2013:____ No preference: ____ Session Title Title: Presentation 1 Presentation 1 Title: Speaker Name: Speaker Affiliation: Speaker Email: Other Authors and Affiliations: Presentation Abstract: Presentation 2 Presentation 2 Title: Speaker Name: Speaker Affiliation: Speaker Email: Other Authors and Affiliations: Presentation 2 Abstract: Presentation 3 (A minimum of 3 presentations is required for a complete session. If you need help finding additional speakers, please contact the programming co-chairs listed above.) Presentation 3 Title: Speaker Name: Speaker Affiliation: Speaker Email: Other Authors and Affiliations: Presentation 3 Abstract: Presentation 4 (Although 5 presentations could be fit into 1.5 hour period, such sessions are discouraged. Organizers are welcome to submit multiple session proposals.) Presentation 4 Title: Speaker Name: Speaker Affiliation: Speaker Email: Other Authors and Affiliations: Presentation 4 Abstract: Statement on Registration Fees for Contributors: Registration is required for all contributors attending the conference. (Contributors are defined as presenters. session chairs and session organizers). In general, we would like all participants to pay the full registration fee, if possible. However, in the case of contributors the organizing committee has set forth the following guidelines. A registration discount will be offered to all contributors. This discount will allow for a 2-day registration at a cost equal to a 1-day registration based on the early-bird registration rate. Contributors to oral sessions and traveling from outside the Midwest area are eligible for a 2-day registration at zero cost. Contributors to oral sessions and traveling from outside the Chicago area (> 100 miles) are eligible for a 1-day registration at zero cost. Contributors to oral sessions and with financial hardship are eligible for a 1-day registration at zero cost. The discount code associated with category 1 will be automatically sent to all contributors. To receive category 2-4 discounts, the session organizer must submit to the program committee an email request for discount for each eligible contributor. If approved, the committee will provide the appropriate discount code to the contributor.  Approximately 70% of the registration fee goes toward food being provided to attendees.      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