ࡱ> IKH Ubjbj .*/%8$&B(j"gggQSSSSSS,^PggggggFQgQ0R=0&%ggggggggggggggg |:    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Jeanette Krebs April 19, 2016 Phone: 717-214-2200 Email: krebs@thebravogroup.com AIChE FOUNDATION ANNOUNCES CO-CHAIRS FOR DOING A WORLD OF GOOD CAMPAIGN Engineering society is raising funds to support global initiatives in education, innovation, and safety NEW YORK CITY The AIChE Foundation the philanthropic arm of the 91˶Ƶ (AIChE) has named Jim Fitterling, president and chief operating officer of the Dow 91˶Ƶ Company (NYSE:DOW), and John Y. Televantos, partner at Arsenal Capital Partners, as co-chairs of the foundations Doing a World of Good campaign. Through targeted initiatives and fundraising, the campaign aims to unite the worldwide chemical engineering community to address pressing societal needs and solve important problems. The Doing a World of Good effort will fund five priorities identified by members of the AIChE community as being imperative to advancing the good works that chemical engineering brings to the world. The priorities are: attracting and retaining the best and brightest people to the chemical engineering profession; education, training and career support for chemical engineers; research and innovation; safety and ethical practice; and public education programs to change societys perceptions about chemical engineers and their contributions. In taking on the co-chair assignment, Fitterling said that Dow is proud to support the Doing a World of Good campaign as a Founders Circle Member and Benefactor of AIChEs Undergraduate Process Safety Initiative a program that is incorporating chemical process safety training into the chemical engineering curricula at universities worldwide. Through such contributions, companies such as Dow are, in fact, already doing a world of good, Fitterling said. However, the story of how the chemicals industry is benefitting society is one that is not often told. Thats why this opportunity to rededicate ourselves to a new set of priorities to promote good chemical engineering and good chemical processes is so important. Campaign co-chair Televantos added that the Doing a World of Good campaign is perhaps the most important activity of our Institute to ensure an enduring legacy for all the good things we have contributed to the world as an industry and as individuals, and to support the many good things that chemical engineers are about to contribute for the future. In his role at Dow, Fitterling has executive accountability for all of the companys businesses. He also oversees environment, health and safety; sustainability; manufacturing and engineering; supply chain; and research and development. A 32-year veteran of Dow, Fitterling also is a member of the board of directors of 91˶Ƶ Financial Corporation and Sadara 91˶Ƶ Company. He earned a bachelors degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Missouri-Columbia. At Arsenal Capital, a private equity firm focused on specialty industrial chemicals, materials and health care, Televantos serves as co-head of the specialty industrial practice. During his tenure at Arsenal, he has been part of several acquisitions and successful exits in the chemicals and materials sectors. In addition to serving on the boards of several Arsenal-owned companies, Televantos is lead director on the board of Balchem Corporation. He holds bachelor or science and doctorate degrees in chemical engineering from the University of London. As co-chairs for the Doing a World of Good campaign, Fitterling and Televantos join an AIChE Foundation leadership team headed by Foundation Chairman Eduardo D. Glandt, Dean Emeritus of the School of Engineering and Applied Science at the University of Pennsylvania, and Vice Chairman S. Shariq Yosufzai, Vice President for Global Diversity, Ombuds, and University Affairs at Chevron. For more information about the AIChE Foundation and the Doing a World of Good campaign, go to  HYPERLINK "http://www.aiche.org/giving" www.aiche.org/giving. # # # About AIChE AIChE is a professional society of 50,000 chemical engineers in 100 countries. Its members work in corporations, universities and government using their knowledge of chemical processes to develop safe and useful products for the benefit of society. Through its varied programs, AIChE continues to be a focal point for information exchange on the frontiers of chemical engineering research in such areas as energy, sustainability, biological and environmental engineering, nanotechnology and chemical plant safety and security. More information about AIChE is available at HYPERLINK "http://www.aiche.org/" www.aiche.org. # # #     PAGE  PAGE 2 :HIWX]cpt{|ӾlR:R.h5B*CJ\aJfHphq 2h0J5B*CJ\aJfHphq $h0JB*fHphq h hB*fHphq &h5B*\fHphq *h0J5B*\fHphq )h5>*B*\fHphq hP`hP`CJOJPJQJaJ5jh9h B*CJPJUaJmHnHphuI4  "#kl [$\$gdgd$[$\$a$gd$[$\$]a$gd[$\$]gd dgdP`$d]a$gdP`1 3 4 ~  !"#jklIJKvwx#'4cyssssssskch+B*phh1B*ph hPJh5B*\ph hPJh56B*\]phh5B*CJ\aJphhB*ph hB*fHphq $h0JB*fHphq .h5B*CJ\aJfHphq h hB*fHphq &lJKwx'./124578:;D &`#$gdkl dgd  d]gd$a$gdgd [$\$gdc]^$%&'(-./0235689;<Ĺۣwswswswsijh c0JUh jh Uh*b(hB*OJPJQJph#hB*CJOJPJQJaJphh6B*]phj"hUh5B*\ph hPJ h0Jj "hUjhUhh0JB*ph hPJhB*ph(<BCDFGMNOPQSTUh*b(h h+0JmHnHuh cjh c0JU h c0J DEFQRSTU d]gd &`#$gdkl,1h/ =!"#$%  "DdThQT  A? 4Ub-fquYdBk7RBaWORBuW9atW_08mOzdFy4Bud3abjIyx3arOAlA03VgNSTHwiuEw2aUkQZyJn9uFLY2HnjtTl3r4aA_mwI-Qy7lKZGd9xSGWlPQMT6354BKNfjqcACLGCKof45lE6033Picture 1Description: Ub-fquYdBk7RBaWORBuW9atW_08mOzdFy4Bud3abjIyx3arOAlA03VgNSTHwiuEw2aUkQZyJn9uFLY2HnjtTl3r4aA_mwI-Qy7lKZGd9xSGWlPQMT6354BKNfjqcACLGCKof45lE60333" b@>X,LDDn@>X,LDPNG  IHDRRs/jIDATx] pyV3$i'>d7Li;MdbKmN8vq$OƶNm*8tRdʖL&uDҲ$KCHIA).-E Aw|/N8q.ĉN8qĉN8qH䞛$v`w6NXs Rt+eݰN ~p3ni.tNG6f)2Ƽwۡ,@edFR.ޱzX鮆T~5VmniҦ:8dCrבy=tc]n"Z?Pm턷mυe|6!Fв B+f"!`1Yb2OLk'wP:wo rηѝۮ¯ M A$)ACbDĕʮإO?ӆXc81c " p灪N4X:"q1?8^@@`칏kWyA$IA9`qLθ2:I$c &f1B"="h {B-ɩ'5;`cY75E[_ DD4 E4v.Yw#wjx?j> ;YׇLdrGj;Ƥ4Lh^]t ø8`nSh8`vưyA8>f;$B~"sefj{0@8RLbXAeJW "۪{CWE>dbܓ]y>Z 37 'bϏV mvYwH&>1"Ǧ۳-0 AS\@ƠF#h_E#2A@kw#:}&ljmG1SSZgD2N(j 2 Q˸HnWrN½xM!r*'ə]@ۂ;P}",?w2[!Q@YW?x"z+RCv((0郋!龓DT.krMQ(UÓf5{96qf皩X څV 9 (qp*NK D*@bE5CNoa?8ğ2u#Ts"n8|>Ef^:9ƅάP/>Ri D,6~O Ra[vWLf"b "_}: R_B?'S "-Sb)Z[a8$?48lkx\0 '{(s@Gqzss~mh*_I}E -󕶡9uܳ\lAc& z0$NA$SRdo6I E^V.8!؁N萭%`n%h\8#@ !*=qy:@ 8*r 캰'*֝ w@9MSnqRG8TZ#g:Fr2ٱ[AyPT9T Gjr "{bZ* B=M7$KmrfJA,zq0LFyIͰp" P=@Oڊ1D_hU PgVZg#pZ5)`c^>ccz^&Y{ƻQyq.l^DPeyáADx'@Mnx)^h 2;eK9:䞣0BO4vGaL P$'NOʩy 2d Cֳ A䴊CH1 /ޭT)ð8^BI!&.o$ 5e=7 E ",N9\ s2|aHA1ZI*S&¸*x3TTҪ ڝHCq!T|ɨ! êC $ 4k 2 P ?T9ccrY QK̄;5L)]8/$'I( O9u$5CB8x @Y\iު2465f+)>FuzcĽs2AN6 u u߬"1M:tG@΄/eZp >7!<;a;ΫJS ykcҏ hP\+("t?Tè"c*< .i"j!6b% "݂6Mh"${XC,: TXFMU]qru3286:g_,Tt)Acn#(XqP1{d!,AYSDJ5XZ$DPK<`JH߃6YH:TDd'zj "5 0O $̴,:leơe/r4RK2[b"x".ڙ%TAOmeVD9yx5$`_@8'0y;0#k "xHs$2h!XXMLA$~@ YnS;7 7&BU䈉Wy渂2dE ^ rSD)Zvm!D44"N.owDU#Zs$?gk.ٟ$2{~|s9aXrcwOA*\]>n XNgIxHivI?Q (z .5{l !5Z P@jyr,0.&B$̼ZؤPΩkB,X}p յ\q3D%A+AS'}A<\18Y tUfZEb ):hTʓzH?)`Ypp 򚆂fT"v!i@-q.)ND:T@'!wbQXi0l\@Ws 4 É9 h՞@MX5'k\a-DbK詊 )ZdT1K&`LyzL>21twudV|М9X쫠 B2.e *t]۽s*;Iu9ڄǸYa6:"I1!tB.@^Pg+ͨ%2C}I.8J;F`;(ZAT;)p*5Pbk "4`qD߾Q̕PZ Z&_QuHiZH Y,r'"!71#K@0x {N:|KM!:"/[cT5]^l F=jѠ?褁LJ@$_h,9~; 68r4@DF<_c(D*asI] sS3t-ɑ8JLV<1ʙSG6+:^<#ߡ}bj"zh`ܷrOvjee0·gDt`bA'sOz'hJAK40;#<~)aboVqDn0odCuВG8j eZaY10DD6ÍdpLJ JAD5yKU&  4rw[y&-蕲,BkIJ)06"u Pc[vRoS趢c:6q6:N8,pK├8pĉN8qĉN8qĉpA^Ved@8 i:h=koCka尜)გf)>׳f!۪Z!#=9+gLJ:ұޚ,!~`0+®ݹ`۳ղƲ͍HǽܢKMٜ׸շ}%f<ַ7wE:D\p(Iiv+PL|~.MY-2vIu}^*ڢDɶ箛"J%<Yy<2к|r}D6%Iic.],ɴCT"N D|w}D<?u48NHW3k l` ,@zssUMے prxTzՐV0n2ݱddegCVV)of:9cUlԺTh]~F;/O)ɸxO6t e ڜyߒm ץI\埭@A0H[}?0f*E2ݏ%pH#OW@IIT]'j}-ō]Qbǜ$/o$51DʨXܷ}YXp*<Ht@cɰ"ʧH!|rsKrlby~CR|H?Xv ǴX Cd Tߩm+.Bu>Ok8`~88 7qu68s@!oA6"'k>Mr*q7@Vd9K`C8)h&L^qi yS)ȸOXNZ+<Q}Nn5ӿd2xV;|θ>"WάL pٗ"a ^"xm˵i.5 u:2Xp}>~xwv'O*'8;~brkE:}4QDv. y2=i QVHiRhTr~֥f?:(v xC{Z]H;濏l "eKK'mb?E) حV:]wD(C02@C`# 26Ú$0QlڃȆ>eij߄Դ=P'ߴ$+wSߑwʉ"*dՒ [;Kom"]>:Ψ(F<)ӐF@hp@v6"ɪ;V "s׉~(}l,%=2K!.(@ęh{ "grq(Q0q&P}PYLJf^ ߍ9 zP@_fU-ݝ{سA w+${2mdfn8Xp3"{wK;*ݳRͳhmߚ9$ H;b$ B;[e[CY4r<ʼnmP"݁Gd:imWDyKҝݳb Ö_k" DHǞ3Zrߗ,e5w,h%`x w^Pt=Tau "@~]*L^R6jАI鄴lË_g1áF9,D+t4',]K^v᳷Zt (=QnZ B'tbg[3DYiq`f~s^32p ' /.V|A.;w7Lby$-G ?|3}"=4@#n :öM737K>梨>|v]t4Te?xynAD ]'XQmvl3)vV;V9Xbim J.RhGiknVYԫJ6iXa_=MVO;X|@?K-kd~G%xC-[nf8q*YJ'J_NWv|OxIENDB`DyK yK 8http://www.aiche.org/givingDyK yK ,http://www.aiche.org/666666666vvvvvvvvv666666>6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666hH6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666662 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~ OJPJQJ_HmH nH sH tH J`J Normal dCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA`D Default Paragraph FontRiR 0 Table Normal4 l4a (k ( 0No List `^@` P`0 Normal (Web)ddd[$\$CJOJPJQJ^JaJ4O4 P`apple-tab-span6U`6 P`0 Hyperlink >*B*phR@"R P`0 Balloon Text dCJOJQJ^JaJNo1N P`0Balloon Text CharCJOJQJ^JaJOB F0Body (CEP Ins. 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