ࡱ> QSPO -!bjbjjj A2ee%     8W4fF"  EEEEEEE$HJ F  F   Fq q q R  Eq Eq q :%,G%$;F3% E6F0fF=% fK)fKG%G%jfK % Z*@q j4 F FfFfK : Suggested Bylaws for AIChE Student Chapters The following are the bylaws suggested by the Student Chapters Committee of the AIChE to be used as a model for new and/or existing chapters. Changes may be made to conform with particular college regulations but not to the extent that such changes relegate the intent of the Bylaws or interfere with specific requirements of AIChE. Texts in italics and parentheses are intended to guide you in writing your bylaws; the wording should not be in your final bylaws. 91˶Ƶ Student Chapter Bylaws [Insert name of college or university] Article I - Name The name of this organization shall be the (name of your college or university) Student Chapter of the 91˶Ƶ (AIChE). Article II - Objectives The objectives of this chapter shall be (1) to promote the professional development of its members through its programs and its relations with other Student Chapters and with the 91˶Ƶ (hereafter referred to as the Institute), and (2) to contribute to the development of chemical engineering at (name of college or university) through activities involving faculty and student members. Article III - Membership Any student enrolled in a curriculum in (name of chemical engineering department) at (name of college or university) leading to a degree in chemical engineering shall be eligible for membership. Students enrolled in a related engineering discipline are also eligible for membership if they are interested in chemical engineering as a profession. Article IV Chapter Advisor An advisor for the Student Chapter shall be selected from the faculty of the department. The Advisor shall be a Fellow, Senior Member, or Member of the Institute and shall advise the Student Chapter in its relation to the Institute. Article V - Meetings Regular meetings shall be held during the school year. Special meetings may be held at any time when called by the President or by two of the officers. At any meeting, any procedural question requiring parliamentary ruling not provided in the Bylaws shall be decided in accordance with Modern Rules of Order (or another parliamentary guide of your choice). Article VI - Voting A quorum is a simple majority of chapter members. (If you have a large chapter, a majority quorum may be too high for your chapter to conduct business. In that case, you may wish to consider defining quorum as something less than a majority.) All proposals require a majority vote by the quorum except as noted in the Bylaws (e.g., Amendments). In absence of a quorum, no formal action shall be taken except to adjourn. Article VII Officers and Program Committee Members Officers of the chapter will include the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and ESC Chapter Liaison, each of whom must be a Student Member of the Institute. All officers shall have held a chapter membership for at least one complete term (specify quarter or semester, or longer such as two (2) terms) before being elected. The Program Committee shall consist of (how many? Need a minimum of four (4).) chapter members, each of whom must also be a Student Member of the Institute. Program Committee members shall include at least one representative from each class (Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior). Article VIII - Duties of Officers and Program Committee members The President shall be responsible for providing leadership and direction for the chapter, shall preside at all meetings, and shall serve as chair of the Program Committee and as an ex-officio member of all other committees. The Vice President shall assist the President in the performance of his/her duties and shall preside at meetings when the president is unable to attend. The Secretary shall keep a record of all meetings. He/She shall preserve all papers relating to the affairs of the chapter. He/She shall preside at meetings of the chapter in the absence of the President and Vice President. The Treasurer shall keep complete financial records and permit their inspection by any other officer of the chapter or by the Advisor upon request. He/She shall collect all dues and assessments promptly and submit a treasurers report at chapter meetings. He/she shall submit a complete and final written financial report at the end of the school year. He/she shall preside at meetings of the chapter in the absence of the President, Vice President and Secretary. The Executive Student Committee (ESC) Chapter Liaison shall serve as a liaison between his/her student chapter and the ESC. He/She shall attend the chapters officer meetings, participate in a twice yearly all-Region call with AIChE staff and other ESC Chapter Liaisons, participate in monthly call with the ESC Regional Liaison, and collaborate with these groups regarding the state of the chapter and any issues/areas in which the chapter needs support. The Program Committee shall be responsible for planning and arranging the various activities of the chapter. Article IX - Election of Officers and Program Committee members Election of the officers and Program Committee members listed in Article VII for the upcoming school year shall take place before the end of the current school year. Nominations of Officers or Program Committee members can be made by any member of the chapter. A member can nominate himself/herself for any office. The candidate receiving a majority of the votes cast shall be declared elected. In the event of a tie, there shall be a runoff election between the candidates with the highest votes. All other committee members shall be appointed by the President. Any vacancies that should occur before the end of the school year shall be filled by means of a special election conducted in the same manner as specified above. Article X - Dues Chapter (annual, semester or quarterly) dues shall be set by a majority vote of the Officers and Program Committee members. Such dues, if any, may be collected at any time during the school year, unless the Officers and Program Committee Members decide on a specific time frame for collection of such dues. Article XI - Amendments to the Bylaws Amendments to the Bylaws may be proposed at any regular meeting by any member of the chapter. Adoption of an amendment shall be by three-fourths of the votes cast, provided there is a quorum present.     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