ࡱ> IKHq TbjbjzLzL 4.&\&\T L L <,*@@@@@j*l*l*l*l*l*l*$,M/f**@@* @@j*j*^')@H"d%:'V**0*(/_/())d/v)***/L > : 2025-2026 D.I.C. Wang Award for Excellence in Biochemical Engineering The selection of awardees in the 2025 award cycle for the 2025 and 2026 awards will be based on the following criteria: Innovation through research, education, or practice of biochemical engineering. Successful development of new products, processes or services. Research at the interface of biological science and engineering. Significant publication, patents, or technology development in the field. Demonstrated economic or societal impact thru innovation or practice of biochemical engineering. Economic impact would include gross revenues generated by a new product or process, cost savings made possible by a new process, reductions in environmental impact, or benefits to health and safety in the workplace, or of consumers and patients. NOMINATION FORM 1. Candidate: 2. Current position and affiliation (include address, email, telephone and fax number): 3. Education (list degrees earned, major fields, institution, and dates): 4. Record of professional experience: Company or Institution Position or Title Responsibilities Dates 5. Principal professional society membership (grades) and activities (boards, committees, important offices held and contributions to society): 6. Honors and Awards (include key awards and prizes, membership in honorary societies and the date the honor was received): 7. Contributions of record Key Publications, Patents, and other (list significant contributions) 8. References (Names and e-mail addresses of 4 individuals who have agreed to write letters in support of this nomination. Reference letters should be mailed independently). __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 9. Proposed citation (up to 30 carefully edited words reflecting the specific contribution): Nominated by: _________________________________ (type name and sign on line below) _________________________________ ___________________ __________ Signature Telephone No. Date _________________________________ ___________________ ________________ Company or Institution Position email Nomination package should include the following: Completed nomination form (limit to 2 pages, use only the space provided. Select only the most significant items for listing) The nominees CV Nomination statement summarizing, in no more than three pages, the specific engineering and scientific accomplishments and impact of the nominees work, including most representative publications, citations and bibliography Send a copy of the nomination package to: sbeawards@aiche.org PACKAGES MUST BE SENT NO LATER THAN March 31st, 2025. Reference letters should be sent independently to the same email address.   ./FGHb}ʹcRD6D6Rh'5B*CJaJph222h;W5B*CJaJph222 h h 5B*CJaJph2227h h;W5B*CJ(KH$OJPJQJ\^JaJCph3331h 5B*CJ(KH$OJPJQJ\^JaJCph3337h h a5B*CJ(KH$OJPJQJ\^JaJCph3331h25B*CJ(KH$OJPJQJ\^JaJCph3331h;W5B*CJ(KH$OJPJQJ\^JaJCph3331hR85B*CJ(KH$OJPJQJ\^JaJCph333/H R 7 8 9 I J X Y d7$8$H$gdd7$8$H$gdLd7$8$H$gd & Fgd   & FDgd $a$gd $dd-D@&M [$a$gd;W$dd-D@&M [$a$gd  7 8 9 J M W X Y \ | } ϽzhYYMY>Yh__5CJOJQJ\aJhCJOJQJaJh5CJOJQJ\aJ"hh5CJOJQJ\aJ"hLh5CJOJQJ\aJ%h&MTh5>*CJOJQJ\aJhL5CJOJQJ\aJh5CJOJQJ\aJ"h56CJOJQJ\]aJ(h h56CJOJQJ\]aJh__B*CJaJph222h h B*CJaJph222       , q r s t u v w   d7$8$H$gd    + , B C D U V X h i k p q w x z  ǸzzjzjzWHh9hCJOJQJaJ%h9h5>*CJOJQJ\aJh9h>*CJOJQJaJh+vCJOJQJaJh&MTh>*CJOJQJaJ%h&MTh5>*CJOJQJ\aJh5CJOJQJ\aJh__5CJOJQJ\aJhL5CJOJQJ\aJhLCJOJQJaJhCJOJQJaJ"h&MTh&MT5CJOJQJ\aJ       ۿ~rrfr~rWrKrhiICJOJQJaJh6CJOJQJ]aJh9CJOJQJaJhCJOJQJaJ%h9h5>*CJOJQJ\aJh5CJOJQJ\aJh__5CJOJQJ\aJh__h__5CJOJQJaJh__h__CJOJQJaJh@15CJOJQJaJh__5CJOJQJaJh__CJOJQJaJh-CJOJQJaJ ]Cdh7$8$H$gd9d7$8$H$gd789:jOPQ$ & Fd7$8$H$^`gdg & Fd7$8$H$^`gd~d7$8$H$gd78:Gi.<JNOPQmr$ӴӍӍ~ӍӍӍo`Ӎ`ӍӍh~5CJOJQJ\aJhxZ5CJOJQJ\aJhiI5CJOJQJ\aJhTZ5CJOJQJ\aJh-CJOJQJaJhgCJOJQJaJhCJOJQJaJ%hxZh5>*CJOJQJ\aJh5CJOJQJ\aJh__5CJOJQJ\aJh-5CJOJQJ\aJ!$=  Z[񻯣yjy[L9%hq=hq=5CJH*OJQJ\aJhq=5CJOJQJ\aJhU"5CJOJQJ\aJh@15CJOJQJ\aJh5CJOJQJ\aJhgCJOJQJaJh@1h@1CJOJQJaJhCJOJQJaJh@1CJOJQJaJhgh~CJOJQJaJh~h~CJOJQJaJh~CJOJQJaJh__CJOJQJaJh~hCJOJQJaJ  Td7$8$H$gd__$8d7$8$H$`8a$gdxZ8d7$8$H$`8gdgvd7$8$H$^v`gd~ ESTĵh__h@15CJOJQJ\aJh__5CJOJQJ\aJhg5CJOJQJ\aJhU"5CJOJQJ\aJh;W5CJOJQJ\aJhR85CJOJQJ\aJ21h:pFAi/ =!"#$%  s666666666vvvvvvvvv666666>6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666hH6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666866666662 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p(8HX`~ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ OJPJQJ_HmH nH sH tH J`J FAiNormal dCJ_HaJmH sH tH vv  a Heading 1ddT@&[$35B*CJ>KH$OJPJQJ\aJ>mHph333sHtHDA D Default Paragraph FontRiR 0 Table Normal4 l4a (k ( 0No List T@T  Colorful List - Accent 1 ^m$6U 6 +v0 Hyperlink >*B*ph`/`  aHeading 1 Char+5B*CJ>KH$OJPJQJ\^JaJ>ph333^o"^ Default 7$8$H$)B*CJOJQJ_HaJmH phsH tH R/1R @10Unresolved MentionB*ph`^\q PK![Content_Types].xmlN0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;rØJB+$G]7O٭VvnB`2ǃ,!"E3p#9GQd; H xuv 0F[,F᚜K sO'3w #vfSVbsؠyX p5veuw 1z@ l,i!b I jZ2|9L$Z15xl.(zm${d:\@'23œln$^-@^i?D&|#td!6lġB"&63yy@t!HjpU*yeXry3~{s:FXI O5Y[Y!}S˪.7bd|n]671. tn/w/+[t6}PsںsL. 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