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If so, which group/session?Available Daytime Time Slots: Mon - Wed8:00 - 10:30am Mon - FriPosters Please ensure that you fill out a 2nd choice for each session (including poster sessions) as we are not always able to accommodate the first choice. For sessions that do not have scheduling requests, we will do our best to schedule it as the same timeslot as the previous year. 3:30pm - 5:00pm (reception)Session # (e.g. 41000) +2022 Annual Meeting Scheduling Request FormPOSTER SESSIONS: Please note that if too many groups select the same poster day, we may have to move some groups to another day to even out the number of posters on each day, please ensure that a 2nd choice is available for poster sessions.*8 19r::-;ccB T8  >`Te  dMbP?_*+%&?'?(?)?M \\INDIUM.aiche.org\carbonC odXXLetterDINU"h VN h SMTJX HP Universal Printing PCL 6InputBinFORMSOURCERESDLLUniresDLLHPDocUISUITrueESPRITSupportedTrueFastRes2bppResolution600dpiPrintQualityGroupPQGroup_4HPColorSmartAutomaticHPColorSmart_ColorOptions_EdgeControlNoCmdHPColorSmart_ColorOptions_HalftoneNoCmdHPColorSmart_Text_NeutralGraysNoCmdHPColorSmart_Text_HalftoneNoCmdHPColorSmart_Text_RGBColorNoCmdHPColorSmart_Graphics_NeutralGraysNoCmdHPColorSmart_Graphics_HalftoneNoCmdHPColorSmart_Graphics_RGBColorNoCmdHPColorSmart_Photo_NeutralGraysNoCmdHPColorSmart_Photo_HalftoneNoCmdHPColorSmart_Photo_RGBColorNoCmdOrientationPORTRAITHPOrientRotate180FalseDuplexNONEHPPrintOnBothSidesManuallyFalsePaperSizeLETTERHPConsumerCustomPaperTrueMediaTypeAUTOCollateOFFHPNUseDiffFirstPageChoiceTRUEHPPageExceptionsFileHPCPE175HPPageExceptionsInterfaceShowPageExceptionsHPPageExceptionsLowEndHPPageExceptionsLowEndVerHPPageExceptionsCoverInsertionHPOutputBinOrientationFACEDOWNPunchingNoneStaplingNoneHPStaplingOpposedFalseEconomodeFalseTextAsBlackFalseAlternateLetterHeadFalseHPSmartHubInet_SID_263_BID_514_HID_265OutputBinAutoSHOutputBinAutoSHPunchingNoneSHFoldingNoneHPDocPropResourceDatahpchl175.cabHPLpiSelectionNoneJPEGEnableAutoHPEasyColorOnHPMHDLLNameHPFIE175HP_DIBStitch_TintTestDisabledHPMediaTypeTreeviewPopupTrueHPColorModeCOLOR_MODEColorMode24bppTTAsBitmapsSettingTTModeOutlineHPPDLTypePDL_PCL6HPPJLEncodingUTF8HPJobAccountingHPJOBACCT_JOBACNT_GROUPNAMEHPBornOnDateHPBODHPColorPlaneHPCPSHRightEdgeStaplPunchRightStaplPunchHPJobByJobOverrideJBJOHPJobAccWoPinTrueHPXMLFileUsedhpcu1756.xmlHPUDMDataMapFilehpcu1756dm.xmlHPSmartDuplexSinglePageJobTrueHPDuplicateJobNameOverrideSWFWHPEnableRAWSpoolingTrueRGBColorNoCmdOutputProfileSHDefaultSHFrontCoverInsertionNoneSHBackCoverInsertionNoneJRConstraintsJRCHDFullJRHDInstalledJRHDOffJRHDNotInstalledJRHDOffHPBestGlossDefaultPSAlignmentFileHPCLS175HPManualDuplexFirstHalfRotateTRUEPaperSizeDefaultForLocaleEuropeanIUPH"xjQƿI@Z],Ԋ2&7ұ PM6XYnŅOI{3iJZ™sϹf wν f%It ֬vVQc~*cvR/Ӄ{Z]lF_- 1d)ATVkW?L"Yi^v#ֻmڸ ra?*|lqWUװk~(qpV/^L84A}&p)]ֻdS4ɩa6!aב 0; !Ac+)'H#7Jm!>윙ϢuΙy6}!-_(&쯔ĞdֱQ{)L1c&s+BAk7TP8FWpA F#:xuEj诰k]D2G6(" aGfoi >Y1(+:~.x't/`nz}ym~|i̭k/?=ݼ8s݉Apc7>C !B!=&U^B8_<J"/XX333333?333333?&<3U} $/>} $5>} m >} >} m >} m >}  >} >} $$>} 9>} $ >  w@ w@ w@ w@ w@ @ @       N#OOOD L LM PQQQV C E FPQQQV W H F P QQQQW I ARSSSSX J B T$UUUU C G K! 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