ࡱ> lokq %bjbjzLzL 20&\&\N$$$8\p$1tggg1111111$3571ggggg71L1555gF15g155.0ڿ1RE/0b101[/6t66t6,0t60lgg5ggggg71715ggg1ggggt6ggggggggg> : OHIO VALLEY SECTION (AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERS) Rules of Order These are general rules of order to assist in running SECTION meetings, committee meetings, and SECTION events. General Principles Meetings of SECTION and SECTION committees, and meetings shall be governed by decorum and common sense. No action shall be allowed that violates the principles of the SECTION Bylaws. Adherence to rules shall be enforced by the chair or a designee, in case the chair is absent. Failure to follow any rule does not automatically permit the rule to be ignored in the future. Membership and Organization Membership of the SECTION and its committees is outlined in the Bylaws. Executive Committee and each committee will organize itself in its first regular meeting of the term. All members and ex-officio members are allowed to vote on all business, as long as the item under consideration does not financially affect them greater than the assembly. However, all may participate in the discussion. The Executive Committee will fill any vacant position in itself and of committee heads as soon as possible from the membership of the SECTION. Committees may recruit needed membership from the membership of the SECTION. Organization of business meetings and motions Order of precedence of actions are (in descending order): set time to adjourn, adjournment, question of privilege (point of order), table motion, limit debate, amend, and main motion. Any higher precedence item is in order and must be resolved; lower precedence items are out of order. Privileged motions take precedence over all other matters and are not debatable. These motions are: fix a time to adjourn, adjournment, and questions of privilege. A call to set time for adjournment or adjournment may be made at any time, except to interrupt a speaker. All motions must receive a second before becoming official. Amendments may be made to an official motion and must be seconded to be accepted. After they have received a second, all motions and amendments are debatable, unless otherwise stipulated. A simple majority is needed to accept any motion or amendment, unless otherwise stipulated in this document. Only one amendment to a main motion may be considered at one time. An amendment itself may have an amendment, but only one such secondary amendment may be considered at one time. Once an amendment is approved or rejected, a follow-up amendment is allowed. No amendment is allowed if its purpose is to reverse the intent of the original motion. Votes on motions and amendments are held in reverse order with the last amendment made being voted on first, and so forth. Then the original motion, as amended, is voted on last. The object of adjournment is to dismiss the body. A motion for adjournment is undebatable, unamendable, and may be withdrawn. The chair may state the meeting is adjourned if there is no objection. No vote is required. Any business may be tabled to delay action on the business or taken from the table to renew action on the business. These actions require a second and are undebatable, unamendable, and cannot be reconsidered in that meeting; approval requires a simple majority. If a tabled motion is not taken from the table by the close of the next session, it is killed. A table motion should not be used to permanently stop work on business; a motion to postpone indefinitely is more appropriate. A motion to end debate (or to call the previous question) may be called to force a vote on an issue; this requires a second, is undebatable, is unamendable, may be reconsidered, and requires a 2/3-majority. This motion applies only to the item being currently discussed. A motion to reconsider may be made if a person who voted with the majority changes his/her view to the losing side and then calls to reconsider. This can only be done during the meeting when the original action was taken. This motion requires a second, may be debatable (if the original item was debatable), is unamendable, and requires a majority vote. Motions may be rescinded without notice by a two-thirds majority vote and can be done by a simple majority, if notice was given when the meeting was called. An exception is that motions cannot be rescinded if action has been taken that cannot be reversed, such as action on a contract or action on a resignation or a dismissal from membership. Meetings Meeting agenda will normally include a call to order, reading of minutes of previous meeting, acceptance of minutes, treasurers report, correspondence, committee reports, unfinished business, new business, announcements, and adjournment. Agenda may be changed as needed. Actions by the chair may be appealed. An appeal must be seconded, is unamendable, may be reconsidered, and requires a majority vote. When a committee adjourns, it is subject to the call of its chair for a future meeting. Rights of the Assembly and Rights of the Individual When the rights of the assembly conflict with the individuals rights, the rights of the assembly must prevail. However we must be cognizant of the rights of minority positions in meetings. Where appropriate, a written minority report may be accepted and filed with minutes. A question of privilege (point of order) has to do with the right of the assembly and rights of individual members. Any member may call a point of order at any time (including interrupting other speakers), and, upon being recognized, will state what this question is. The chair will rule on the validity of the question and take appropriate action. Questions of privilege can deal with such things as correctness of actions, transgressions of rules, breach of order, actions in violation of law, health and safety, comfort of assembly, decorum, etc. An individual may request that a voice vote be confirmed by a show of hands or such method, as a means to protect the rights of a minority, usually done by stating division of the house. No vote on the division is taken, but a hand count or standing count must be taken on the original motion. Amendment of Rules These rules may be amended at any time by a 2/3-majority of the Executive Committee if there were no previous notice of the proposed change or by a simple majority if previous notice were made. Previous notice is given by notifying all members at least 7 days prior to the meeting for which the amendment is to be made. Nomenclature Amend. To alter. Must be seconded and voted upon. End debate. The purpose is to stop debate on an action; sometimes the phrase move the previous question is used. Ex-officio members. Individuals who are members due to their position in the organization. Point of Order. A question that affects the rights of the assembly or the individual. Quorum. Minimum number of people that must be present to conduct business, although information may be shared without a quorum. Reconsider. A vote to discuss a matter that had been previously agreed upon. Second. A person who agrees that a motion should be voted on. Table. Stop action on a piece of business, with the proviso that it may be considered later. Take from table. Restart action on business that had been previously tabled. Withdraw. To remove an item from consideration. To withdraw a motion, the second must agree to the withdrawal.     OHIO VALLEY SECTION Rules of Order February 19, 2021 =>! 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However, all may        0'' 82 e0 participate in the discussion.  2 0    0''---  2 M0 ---  2 T0  --- 2 e 0 The Executive    2 0   \2 60 Committee will fill any vacant position in itself and    2  0 of  42 0 committee heads as soon as    0'' A2 e$0 possible from the membership of the     2 V0 SECTION   2  0 . Committee    2 0 s  2 0   82 0 may recruit needed membership     0'' 42 e0 from the membership of the     2 0 SECTION    2 ^0 .  2 b0    0''  2 M0    O2 M-0 Organization of business meetings and motions     2 0   ------  2 M0 ---  2 T0  ---  2 e0 O  2 q[0 rder of precedence of actions are (in descending order): set time to adjourn, adjournment,     0'' O2 e-0 question of privilege (point of order), table  2 s0   2 x0 motion  O2 -0 , limit debate, amend, and main motion. Any        0'' q2 eD0 higher precedence item is in order and must be resolved; lower prece    72 (0 dence items are out of order.   2 0    0''------  2 !M0 ---  2 !T0  --- 2 !e`0 Privileged motions take precedence over all other matters and are not debatable. These motions       0'' 2 2e]0 are: fix a time to adjourn, adjournment, and questions of privilege. A call to set time for       0'' C2 Ce%0 adjournment or adjournment may be mad     R2 Cs/0 e at any time, except to interrupt a speaker.    2 C0    0''---  2 UM0 ---  2 UT0  --- 2 UeZ0 All motions must receive a second before becoming official. Amendments may be made to an          0'' 2 fe]0 official motion and must be seconded to be accepted. After they have received a second, all      0'' 12 we0 motions and amendments ar    2 w 0 e debatable  2 wj0 ,  2 wn0   52 wt0 unless otherwise stipulated.   2 w'0    0''---  2 M0 ---  2 T0  --- 2 e^0 A simple majority is needed to accept any motion or amendment, unless otherwise stipulated in         0''  2 e0 this document.   2 0    0''---  2 M0 ---  2 T0  --- 2 e\0 Only one amendment to a main motion may be considered at one time. An amendment itself may             0'' 2 e 0 have an amend  }2 L0 ment, but only one such secondary amendment may be considered at one time.       0'' X2 e30 Once an amendment is approved or rejected, a follow      2 0 - /2 0 up amendment is allowed.    2 p0   2 y 0 No amendment     0'' z2 eJ0 is allowed if its purpose is to reverse the intent of the original motion.    2 !0    0''---  2 M0 ---  2 T0  ---  2 e0 Votes on motio   2 O0 ns and amendments are held in reverse order with the last amendment made being         0'' 2 eV0 voted on first, and so forth. Then the original motion, as amended, is voted on last.     2 0    0''---  2 M0 ---  2 T0  --- 2 eZ0 The object of adjournment is to dismiss the body. A motion for adjournment is undebatable       2 0 ,   0'' >2 #e"0 unamendable, and may be withdrawn.      2 #]0    0''------  2 5M0 ---  2 5T0  --- 2 5e^0 The chair may state the meeting is adjourned if there is no objection. No vote is required.      2 50    0''---  2 GM0 @Symbol---- @ !CM----  2 GT0  --- 2 Ge`0 Any business may be tabled to delay action on the business or taken from the table to renew      0'' 52 Xe0 action on the business. The  n2 XB0 se actions require a second and are undebatable, unamendable, and    0'' I2 ie)0 cannot be reconsidered in that meeting; a  &2 is0 pproval requires a  2 i0   G2 i(0 simple majority. If a tabled motion is      0'' 2 zeZ0 not taken from the table by the close of the next session, it is killed. A table motion     2 z0    2 z0 should not be   0'' 2 ea0 used to permanently stop work on business; a motion to postpone indefinitely is more appropriate.      2 0  @ Arial---  0''---  2 M0 ---  2 T0  --- 2 e`0 A motion to end debate (or to call the previous question) may be called to force a vote on an     0'' R2 e/0 issue; this requires a second, is undebatable,  V2 20 is unamendable, may be reconsidered, and requires     0'' 2 e0 a 2/3  2 0 - z2 J0 majority. This motion applies only to the item being currently discussed.      2 `0    0''  00//..ocument ՜.+,0, hp  Hewlett-Packard Company4 1Covenant Community Church Council Rules of Order Title  !"#$%&'()*+,-./012346789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abdefghijmnqRoot Entry F1p1Table6WordDocument 20SummaryInformation(5dZDocumentSummaryInformation8cMsoDataStoret̿1ڿ1JX5UEEN2Q==2t̿1ڿ1Item PropertiesUCompObj r   F Microsoft Word 97-2003 Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q