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ARTICLE III Obligation to AIChE Section 1. The activities of the Section and its members are subject to the provisions in the Constitution, Code of Ethics, and By-Laws of the INSTITUTE. Section 2. The Section shall not have authority to act for or in the name of the INSTITUTE nor incur any financial obligation in the name of the INSTITUTE. ARTICLE IV Jurisdiction The boundaries of the Section shall consist of all of the following counties: in Ohio (Adams, Brown, Butler, Clermont, Clinton, Hamilton, Highland, and Warren), in Indiana (Dearborn, Franklin, Ohio, and Switzerland), in Kentucky (Boone, Bracken, Campbell, Gallatin, Grant, Kenton, Mason, Pendleton). ARTICLE V Membership Section 1. The membership of the SECTION shall be limited to Fellows, Senior Members, Members, and Student Members of the INSTITUTE and Local-Only Members residing or engaged in business within the boundaries encompassed by the boundaries of the SECTION. Section 2. People qualified for membership in the INSTITUTE but who are not members may become Local-Only Members of the SECTION for a period not to exceed two years. During this period, it is expected that Local-Only Members will apply for one of the grades of membership in the INSTITUTE. Section 3. Any member of the INSTITUTE who resides and is engaged in business outside the boundaries of the Section and who desires to be affiliated with the SECTION may become Local-Only Members of the SECTION by application in writing to the Section Secretary. Section 4. Interested persons who do not qualify for one of the membership grades in the AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERS may be continued as Local-Only Members at the end of the first and succeeding years, subject to the continuing approval of the Executive Committee and subject to payment of dues as stipulated in Article VI. A candidate for Local-Only Membership should make an application in writing to the Secretary of the SECTION, such application to be countersigned by two Regular Members. Local-Only Members shall be entitled to all privileges of Regular Members of the SECTION except in holding office and voting on bylaws revisions. Section 5. All eligible members shall become members in good standing upon payment of prescribed annual SECTION dues. ARTICLE VI Dues Section 1. The fiscal year of the SECTION shall commence on September first and terminate on August thirty-first. All dues are payable on September 1. Section 2. The SECTION dues shall be set by a majority vote of the total voting membership of the Executive Committee. Any changes in the dues shall become effective on January 1st of each year or along with the INSTITUTE dues. The amount of dues will be shown in OVS Policy document. Section 3. Student Members of the INSTITUTE shall not be required to pay dues to the SECTION. Section 4. The SECTION, not the INSTITUTE, shall be responsible for collecting the dues and tracking the individual records of Local-Only Members. Dues for Local-Only Members shall be paid to the SECTION Treasurer. Local-Only members shall pay dues for a full year if they become members with more 6 months before the renewal date and dues for a half year if they become members when there are less than 6 months remaining in the fiscal year. ARTICLE VII Officers and Directors Section 1. The officers of the SECTION shall be Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, and the Immediate Past Chair. In addition, the SECTION shall have directors that are the chairs of the following committees: Award, Membership, Nominating, Program, Scholarship, Service, Symposiums/Workshops, and Young Professionals. These chairs will also be members of the Executive Committee. Responsibilities and requirements, if any, are listed in the SECTION Policies. Section 2. All officers and directors must be SECTION Members in good standing, and they must be Fellows, Senior Members, or Members of the INSTITUTE. The Chair shall have served at least two years on the Executive Committee before he/she is eligible to be Chair. Section 3. The officers and directors shall hold office for one year. This does not preclude them from seeking the same office in consecutive years. The Vice-Chair shall serve as Chair-Elect of the SECTION and shall automatically succeed to the Chair. Section 4. The Chair or if absent, the Vice-Chair or if absent, the Secretary or if absent, the Treasurer shall preside at all meetings of the SECTION. Section 5. The Chair shall be responsible for providing strategic directions and leadership in enhancing the effectiveness of the SECTION toward meeting the goals of its members. Section 6. The Vice Chair shall serve as the chair of the Program Committee. Section 7. The Secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings of the Section and maintain a file of all correspondence. The Secretary will provide technical support for election procedures. The Secretary will maintain records of Professional Development Hours (PDH) granted for appropriate events sponsored by the SECTION and share this data with the INSTITUTE. The Secretary will provide appropriate information to state licensing boards upon request. Section 8. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the collection and disbursement of all funds as authorized by the Executive Committee. The Treasurer shall prepare all financial reports required by the INSTITUTE, Internal Revenue Service and all other local, state and federal government agencies. The Treasurer shall review financial status with Executive Committee annually within 2 months after close of fiscal year and as otherwise requested by Executive Committee. Section 9. The Immediate Past Chair of the Section shall automatically be filled by the most recent Chair and shall serve for a one-year term. The Past Chair chairs the Nominating Committee. If the exiting Chair does not fill the position of Past Chair, then the Executive Committee shall fill this position as it does other vacancies. Section 10. Each Director shall chair at least one committee. Section 11. No member shall hold more than one elected office at a time. Section 12. Officers and Directors may be impeached and removed by a majority vote of at least 50 members. ARTICLE VIII Elections Section 1. Candidates can be selected by a Nominating Committee or by petition. The Nominating Committee shall select qualified candidates for each office of the Executive Committee at least two weeks before the election. Eligible members can petition to be a candidate by collecting 3 signatures of SECTION Members in good standing. Members signing the petition must be Fellows, Senior Members, or Members of the INSTITUTE. An Officer or Director shall ascertain that members who sign the petition are qualified. Section 2. All voting members of the SECTION must be notified of the election, who the candidates are, and how to cast their ballot. Members must have a period of two weeks or more to review the candidates and cast their ballots. The Secretary must make good faith effort to notify all members. The Secretary must document how notification was made. Election procedures and notification methods are noted in SECTION Policies. Section 3. Officers of the SECTION shall be elected by e-mail ballot, mail ballot, or internet ballot under procedures prescribed by SECTION Policies. The election of Officers and Directors shall take place before the end of the fiscal year. There is no prescribed minimum number of votes necessary in any election. Section 4. Student Members and Local-Only Members may not hold office in the SECTION and may not vote in elections of Officers, Directors, or amendments to the Bylaws. Section 5. The Immediate Past Chair counts the ballots and validates that votes are from members that are eligible to vote. The current Chair shall validate the vote tally. If either the Chair or the Immediate Past Chair cannot fulfill their duty, another Past Chair may be appointed to assume the responsibility. Designated people to count ballots are not eligible to tally or validate the election if they are also on the ballot, so they must be replaced by Executive Committee by another section member. Section 6. Candidates with the greatest number of votes cast shall be declared as duly elected. In the event of a tie, there shall be a run-off election between the two candidates with the highest number of votes. People elected will serve for one year or until their successor is elected and takes office. Section 7. Immediately following the election, the Secretary shall forward the names of the newly elected officers to the Secretary of the INSTITUTE. The SECTION Secretary will also announce the names of the newly elected to the SECTION members. Section 8. In case a vacancy occurs in any elective office, the Executive Committee shall appoint an eligible member of the SECTION in good standing to fill the unexpired term. An appointee for the remaining term of the Vice-Chair shall be called Vice-Chair pro tem, but shall not automatically succeed the Chair the following year. Rather, a new Chair shall be elected at the next annual election; the Vice-Chair pro tem may be on the ballot for Chair. The Vice-Chair pro tem appointed as above shall assume all other responsibilities of the office of Vice-Chair. ARTICLE IX Executive Committee Section 1. There shall be an Executive Committee consisting of the officers and directors of the SECTION. The SECTION Chair shall function as Chair of the Executive Committee. Section 2. The Past Chair is a member of the Executive Committee with voting privileges. Section 3. The quorum for a regular Executive Committee meeting shall consist of a majority of its total voting membership. Procedures and requirements for remote voting are shown in the SECTION Policies. Section 4. All proposals considered by the Executive Committee require majority vote by a quorum of the Executive Committee, except as noted elsewhere in the Bylaws (e.g. Amendments). Section 5. The Chair shall provide notice of the regular Executive Committee meetings to the committee members consisting of the time, location, and agenda not later than three days in advance of the meeting. Section 6. A special Executive Committee meeting may be called by the Chair or at the request of three or more members of the Executive Committee. A special Executive Committee meeting must be held within 14 days of the request for the meeting. The three-day advance notice of the Executive Committee meeting is not required for a special Executive Committee meeting; however, if possible, the Secretary or Chair should provide advanced notice of the meeting to all of the Executive Committee members. Section 7. The minutes from an Executive Committee meeting, budget, or Treasurers Report shall be made available to any SECTION member in good standing upon request. Such requests must be made to SECTION Secretary in writing, within 1 year of the meeting or report. Section 8. SECTION Policies will be annually reviewed by Executive Committee. ARTICLE X Committees Section 1. Standing Committees shall be overseen by an officer or director of the SECTION. These committees include Award, Membership, Nominating, Program, Scholarship, Service, Symposiums/Workshops, and Young Professionals. Chairs of the Standing Committees shall be appointed by the Section Chair. Standing Committees with their duties are defined in SECTION Policies, adopted separately. Section 2. The SECTION Chair may appoint any other ad hoc committees he/she considers necessary during the course of the year, and as needed, terminate ad hoc committees that are no longer needed. Section 3. The services of any committee member may be terminated by the SECTION Chair with the approval of the Executive Committee. Section 4. Unless otherwise designated by the Executive Committee, the Chair is an ex-officio and voting member of all committees. ARTICLE XI SECTION Meetings Section 1. The Executive Committee shall determine the number of meetings of the Section each year. The Program Committee shall determine the date and place of the meetings. Section 2. A notice of each Section Meeting shall be sent to all Members of the Section at least ten days in advance of such meetings. This requirement does not include Student Members. Methods to use and other details will be outlined in SECTION Policies. Section 3. There is nothing in these Bylaws that precludes SECTION Members from meeting to discuss operations or activities related to the SECTION and make suggestions to the Executive Committee. ARTICLE XII Order of Business The Executive Committee will set the order of business for all meetings. At any meeting, any procedural question requiring a ruling not provided for in the Bylaws shall be decided in accordance with SECTION Rules of Order. Those are to be approved separately. ARTICLE XIII Indemnification/Liability Section 1. The SECTION shall indemnify each member of the Executive Committee to the fullest extent permitted by Ohio State Code. Any repeal or amendment of this Article shall be prospective only and shall not adversely affect any duty of the SECTION to indemnify the members of the Executive Committee existing at the time of such repeal or amendment. Section 2. To the fullest extent permitted by Ohio State Code, no member of the SECTION, officer, or member of the Executive Committee shall be personally liable for the acts of the SECTION, its Executive Committee, officers, or directors. ARTICLE XIV Signature Authority Section 1. Only the Chair and Vice-Chair have the authority to contractually obligate the Section within the limits prescribed by the Executive Committee. Section 2. The Chair, Vice-Chair, or Treasurer shall sign all checks by the SECTION. The Chair, Vice-Chair, or Treasurer shall endorse checks, drafts, notes and other negotiable instruments payable to the SECTION for collection or deposit. Stocks, bonds, or other securities owned by the SECTION may be sold or transferred upon signature of the Chair AND Secretary. The Chair or Treasurer shall sign all documents requiring to be filed with the Federal, State or local authorities. ARTICLE XV Amendments Section 1. The Executive Committee may propose an amendment(s) to the Bylaws by a two-thirds majority vote of the Officers and Directors. Section 2. The members of the Section shall be notified of the proposed amendment(s) by the same means of communication for announcing meetings. Members will have 30 calendar days after notice to provide their input including objections to the Executive Committee. If changes are significant, the process starts over permitting members to have another 30 calendar days to comment. The Career and Education Operating Council (CEOC) of the INSTITUTE shall be provided a copy of the proposed amendment when the members are notified. Section 3. After the comment period, the Executive Committee may vote to adopt the amendment by a two-thirds majority vote of the Officers and Directors. Section 4. A copy of the adopted Bylaws with the amendment shall be provided to the CEOC. Section 5. Amendments to SECTION Policies may be made at any Executive Committee meeting, as long as all members of the Executive Committee were notified of the intended Amendment and notified of the meeting at least two weeks in advance of the vote. ARTICLE XVI Section Dissolution Section 1. Upon the dissolution of the SECTION, any assets remaining thereafter shall be conveyed to AIChE. Section 2. In the event that AIChE is not then in existence or is not then exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended, or under such successor provision of the Code as may be in effect at such time, the assets shall be conveyed to an organization dedicated to the perpetuation of objectives similar to those of the AIChE and exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 as amended or under such successor provision of the Code as may be in effect at such time. CERTIFICATE OF SECRETARY This is to certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Bylaws of the Ohio SECTION and that such Bylaws were duly adopted by the Executive Committee. Dated: This is the Signature Date Signed Name____________________ Printed Name Secretary Draft revision October 21, 2021 OHIO VALLEY SECTION POLICIES Purpose The objectives of the OHIO VALLEY SECTION (hereafter know as SECTION) shall be the promotion of : The profession of chemical engineering and high professional standards among its members Closer professional and personal relations among the members The aims, purposed and Code of Ethics of the INSTITUTE Cordial and helpful relations with the faculties and students of nearby institutions giving courses in chemical engineering , and Continuing education in technical and other aspects of chemical engineering and allied engineering sciences. Organization / Leadership Responsibilities, requirements of officers and Directors Chair. Oversee organization of all meetings. Chair the Executive Committee. Be ex-officio member of all committees. Must have been an officer or director for 2 years prior. Vice-Chair. Is ready to fill in for Chair in case Chair is absent or resigns. Serves as Chair of Program Committee. Other duties as needed. Secretary. Maintains all correspondence. Keeps all records of the SECTION. Notifies National of results of all elections and notifies them when vacancies are filled. Treasurer. Maintains financial records for SECTION. Collects dues from members. Ensures all bills are paid. Prepares financial reports for Executive Committee, the SECTION, the INSTITUTE, and the Internal Revenue Service, plus any other federal, state, or local agencies as needed. Directors. Complete the function of committee. Recruit all needed help for their committee. Keep records of all actions by committee, or arrange for someone to do this. Manage finances for committee and submit reports to Executive Committee and SECTION as needed, at least annually. Standing committees: Purpose, requirements Award: identify recognitions for members or students and identify likely awardees, work with Executive Committee on actions Executive Committee: establish policy for the SECTION, review all procedures, and establish dues. Membership: determine how we can attract more membership to SECTION, maintain attendance records for all events. Committee should annually update membership list and addresses. Nominating: make recommendations for candidates for annual election. Work must done at least one month prior to annual election each year. Generally the SECTION Past Chair is the Chair of the Nominating Committee. Program: identify and work details of program opportunities for SECTION. Work should be done so that planned activities can be promoted for the whole year, so work should be done more than a year in advance, when possible. Generally the SECTION Vice-Chair will serve as the Committee Chair. Scholarship: develop funding and recommend awardees for student scholarships Service: identify opportunities, details, and advertising for possible SECTION service opportunities Symposium/workshop: identify opportunities, details, and advertising for possible training opportunities Young Professionals: develop concepts and plans to attract young professionals. Chair and membership should be 35 years of age or younger. Other committee may be formed by the Executive Committee as needed. Meetings of Chapter Chapter meetings may be arranged at a time and location approved by Executive Committee. It is recommended that an annual schedule of events be developed. Meeting format may be in-person, remote, or hybrid as appropriate. Chapter members will be notified of such meetings by any method approved by Executive Committee, including US Mail, email, Web site, and other electronic methods. Meetings of Executive Committee Meeting of the Executive Committee may be arranged at a time and location approved by Executive Committee. Meeting format may be in-person, remote, or hybrid as appropriate. Executive Committee members will be notified of such meetings by any method approved by Executive Committee, including US Mail, email, Web site, and other electronic methods. Executive Committee meeting minutes may be posted on the SECTIONs web site. Elections Elections. Results of elections should be sent by SECTION Secretary to all members. In addition, the Secretary should forward the names of newly elected officers to the Secretary of the INSTITUTE by using their form. Financial Dues. Membership dues are currently $15, payment is due by September 1 of each year. The Executive Committee should evaluate the amount each year and notify the INSTITUTE. Cost for dinner meetings. As long as funding is available, retirees and student members would pay half-price for meals at dinner meetings. The Executive Committee should look at possibility of continuing this each year, based on availabililty of funding. Notificaton of Membership The membership shall be notified of meetings, elections, result of elections and other major business in a timely manner. Notification may be made in any manner that is available, generally selected from US postal system, email, web site, and other electronic means. Program The SECTION should consider periodically scheduling joint meetings with neighboring AIChE chapters and related professional societies.      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