ࡱ> JLI+ bjbjPP 4J2Dh2Dh 22222FFF8~4F? t6(^^^^$!i$222^^4:2^2^^0^&d 0? %08%%2h2? %X : South Texas Section AIChE 2022 Annual Awards Nomination Form THIS NOMINATION FORM MUST BE RECEIVED BY MAY 1, 2023 TO BE ACCEPTED! Mail the completed form to: Thomas E. Menn Or Matt Christiansen, PhD Or Ryan Stephens, PhD Awards Chair Best Papers Judging Chair Best Papers Judging Co-Chair P. O. Box 458 Shell Projects and Technology Shell Global Solutions (US) Inc. Pearland, Texas 77588-0548 Technology Center 3333 Highway 6 South Houston, Texas 77082 Tel.: 281-485-3719 Tel.: 281-544-6476 Tel: 281-544-8447  HYPERLINK "mailto:thomasmenn@sbcglobal.net" thomasmenn@sbcglobal.net Matthew.Christiansen@shell.com Ryan.Stephens@shell.com  HYPERLINK "mailto:Ryan.Stephens@Shell.com"  Following receipt of the submitted nomination, you will receive an e-mail from the STS Awards Committee confirming receipt of the nomination after AIChE & STS Membership is verified. All Best Paper Nominees not Members of AIChE and/or STS -- AIChE may wish to join AIChE and/or STS -- AIChE before May 31, 2023 in order to be eligible for the recognition due a STS AIChE Member Best Paper Award Recipient. NOTE: ONLY ONE PERSON OR PAPER MAY BE NOMINATED PER FORM! NOMINATOR'S NAME: __________________________________________ ADDRESS: STREET: __________________________________________ CITY: _________________________ STATE: ________ ZIP CODE: ______________________ TELEPHONE NUMBER: AC: ______ NO: __________________ E-MAIL ADDRESS: _____________________________________ I wish to nominate ______________________________________________ (Enter Name of Nominee or Title of Paper on the above line.) ENTER CONTACT INFORMATION FOR NOMINEE OR AUTHOR: NOMINEE or AUTHOR'S NAME: _____________________________________ ADDRESS: STREET: __________________________________________ CITY: _________________________ STATE: ________ ZIP CODE: ______________________ TELEPHONE NUMBER: AC: ______ NO: __________________ E-MAIL ADDRESS: _____________________________________ TYPE OF NOMINATION: (PLEASE CHECK ONLY ONE SPACE BELOW.) 2022 STS AIChE Outstanding Young Professional Award (Under age 40) ___________ 2022 STS -- AIChE Distinguished Service Award (Over age 36) ___________ 2022 STS -- AIChE Best Fundamental Paper Award ___________ 2022 STS -- AIChE Best Applied Paper Award ___________ 2022 STS -- AIChE Best In-Practice Paper Award ___________ 2022 STS AIChE Other _________________________________Award ___________ For STS Outstanding Young Member or Distinguished Service Awards, please state the reason you feel that this person is deserving of this award back of this form and ignore the rest of the form. You may attach any supporting documentation to this form. For Best Paper Nominations, please continue and complete page 2 of this form. Please enter the name of the nominated 2022 Best Paper again: ______________________________________________ (Sorry to trouble you but this is in case the sheets get separated.) Enter the contact Authors name again: ______________________________________________ (Sorry to trouble you but this is in case the sheets get separated.) Check Best Paper Category Again: Fundamental ___ Applied ___ In Practice ___ FOR BEST PAPER NOMINATIONS, LIST THE NAMES OF THE AUTHORS AND CHECK ALL BLANKS THAT APPLY: MEMBERSHIP Note: At least one (1) author must be a STS Member. AICHE STS Co-Author # 1: __________________________________________ _______ _____ Co-Author # 2: __________________________________________ _______ _____ Co-Author # 3: __________________________________________ _______ _____ Co-Author # 4: __________________________________________ _______ _____ Co-Author # 5: __________________________________________ _______ _____ Co-Author # 6: __________________________________________ _______ _____ Co-Author # 7: __________________________________________ _______ _____ Co-Author # 8: __________________________________________ _______ _____ Co-Author # 9: __________________________________________ _______ _____ [Add addition Co-Authors on an attached sheet as necessary.] For Best Paper Nominations, please provide following information: NAME OF PUBLICATION: _________________________________________ DATE OF PUBLICATION: _________________________________________ VOLUME NO. (If known): _______________ PAGES: _______ to ______ PLEASE ATTACH A COPY OF THE ARTICLE FROM THE PUBLICATION TO THIS FORM OR IF THIS IS NOMINATION IS TENDERED BY E-MAIL, PLEASE ATTACH AN ELECTRONIC VERSION OF THE PUBLISHED ARTICLE. (NO MANUSCRIPTS, PLEASE.) Following receipt of the submitted nomination, you will receive an e-mail from the STS Awards Committee confirming receipt of the nomination after AIChE & STS Membership is verified. All Best Paper Nominees not Members of AIChE or STS -- AIChE may wish to join AIChE and/or STS AIChE before May 31, 2023 in order to be eligible for the recognition due a STS AIChE Member Best Paper Award Recipient.      !?@iptǵǚui]uiQE9h~0h5CJaJh~0h1@5CJaJh~0hX 5CJaJh~0h$836CJaJh~0hH5CJaJh~0hk(5CJaJh~0hHZCJaJh~0hHZ56CJaJh~0h~5CJaJhM5>*B*CJaJph#h7hk(5>*B*CJaJphh~0h~5CJaJh~0h~CJaJh~0hHZ5CJ aJ hM5CJ aJ h~0h~5CJ aJ ?@S ( ) s / 1  gdo&'gdk( ^`gdHgdHgdYkgdg%]gd{$a$gdHZgd~$a$gd~ 0 2 6 S c e h i   % & 󯣗sgsggsg[h~0h$835CJaJh~0hYk5CJaJh~0hH5CJaJh~0hg%5CJaJh~0h5CJaJh~0h1@5CJaJh~0h$835CJaJh~0h6|r5CJaJh~0hQ35CJaJh75CJaJh~0h5CJaJh~0hk(5CJaJh~0h+9CJaJh~0h+95CJaJ & ' ( ) 0 > D K W X Y Z ] ^ b c o p q r s t u  ÷ϟë{{gXXXXFX#h3dh3d5>*B*CJaJphh3d5>*B*CJaJph&jh3d5>*B*CJUaJphh~0hk(5CJaJh~0hQ35CJaJh~0h$835CJaJh~0h 5CJaJh~0h+95CJaJh~0hYk5CJaJh~0hH5CJaJh~0hg%5CJaJh~0h6|r5CJaJh~0h5CJaJh~0h1@5CJaJ   + , - . / żŪtcWWWccK?h~0h+95CJaJh~0h1@5CJaJh~0h5CJaJ jh~0h5CJUaJh~0h$835CJaJ#h~0h+95>*B*CJaJphh~0h+95CJaJh~0h$835CJaJ#h~0hH5>*B*CJaJphh3d5CJaJh&u5CJaJhu8_h3d0J5CJaJ&jh3d5>*B*CJUaJphh3d5>*B*CJaJph/ 0 1 C I U     ) * 2 ; @ T U [ \ d h ˽٫{{l`QFh~0hHZCJaJh~0h9LB*CJaJphhM56>*CJaJh7ho&'56>*CJaJ#h~0hjK56B*CJaJphh56B*CJaJphh756B*CJaJph#h~0ho&'56B*CJaJphh~0h}l(56CJaJh~0h8)56CJaJh~0ho&'56CJaJh~0h5CJ aJ h~0hk(5CJ aJ      E O Q W X *+-./;<ghz}ʿʿִʿִִִ֭ʖʿ֋{t h~0h~h~0h9L5h~0h~5h~0h~CJaJh~0h5CJaJh~0hHZCJaJ h~0h)5h~0hHZCJaJh~0hHZCJaJh~0hHZ5CJaJ h~0hHZh~0h~5CJaJh~0h~CJ aJ h~0h~56>*,  E O *+gh\f @ ^@ `gdT`gd9gdHZgd~!#-5\fhno%'(),@ABDEFSǻǨǝǝߝǝǨߝǨߝǨǨǏߝǃh~0h_b55CJaJ h~0h)5 h~0hHZh~0h~CJaJ h~0h~h~0h95CJaJh~0hHZ5CJaJh~0h~5CJaJh~0h~5CJaJh~0h~CJaJh~0h9CJaJh~0h~CJaJ3AB~  VW\]Z[$a$gdJY`gd7`gd+9`gd_b5`gd9gd~S~    ;EGƽƟ{odddoXұF#htahta56B*CJaJphh~0h_b55CJaJh~0hQNCJaJh~0hQN5CJaJ#htah756B*CJaJph#htah_b556B*CJaJph#htah~56B*CJaJphh~0h_b55CJaJh75CJaJh~0h~5CJaJhM5CJaJh~0h~CJaJh~0h~5h~0h_b5CJaJ h~0h~GHIJUVW[\_hiȼ||qeeeYeh7B*CJaJphh~0h+95CJaJh~0h+9CJaJh~0h~CJaJh75CJaJh~0h75CJaJh~0h~5CJaJhM5CJaJh~0h~CJaJh~0h_b55CJaJh~0hQNCJaJh~0hQN5CJaJh~0hQN56CJaJ#htah_b556B*CJaJph""[\]Z[w~ĻvlvdWdOJ hM5h~0h+95h34ehmOJQJ^Jh~0h9L5h~0hc56h~0h9L56h~0hmCJaJh~0hHZ5CJaJh~0hm5CJaJh~0h~5CJaJh7h75CJaJh~5CJaJh75CJaJh7h75CJaJhM5CJaJh7h7CJaJh+9CJaJh~0h+9CJaJ<=]^*+/<TUͶssh```T`O```T h~05h~0h)55CJaJh~0h)55h~0h@CJaJh~0h@6CJaJh~0h@CJaJh~0hJYCJaJh~0hJYCJ aJ h~0hJY h~0h@h~0h@5h~0h9LCJaJh~0hZ!6CJaJh~0h9L6CJaJh~0h9LCJaJh~0h9LCJ aJ h~0h9L5h~0h{5]^/<TUabZdhgdJY^gd)5$a$gd@$a$gdJYgd~$a$gd9LU  =LSTW]aôњߒ{o{oddddh~0h~CJaJh~0hT5CJaJh~0h~5CJaJh~0h~CJaJh~0h~>*h~0hmCJaJh~0hm56>*CJaJh~0hT56>*CJaJh~0hT56CJaJh~0hm56CJaJh~0h~5>* h~0hm h~0h~h~0h~5"abmnpqZ[fgij  ST_`bǼǼǼǼDZݥݥ݃xh~0hYkCJaJh~0hYk5CJaJh~0hTCJaJh~0hZ!CJaJh~0hZ!5CJaJh~0hZ!CJaJh~0hmCJaJh~0hmCJaJh~0h~CJaJh~0hT5CJaJh~0h~5CJaJh~0h~CJaJ/Z[ST89{|CDgd'gd~$a$gdmdhgdTdhgdJY  (5689HIz{| !"$%+4579ٲ租}}o}h}a}a} h~0h)5 h~0hHZh~0hT56CJaJ h~0h~h~0h~CJ aJ h~0h~5h~0ho&'5h~0hm5h~0hmCJ aJ h~0h~56CJaJh~0h_b556CJaJh)56CJaJh~0hm56CJaJh~0h~5CJaJh~0h,5CJaJ&9:BCD&,CXY ǽqaqTTTqh56>*B*phh~0ho&'56>*B*phh~0h\t56>*B*phh7h\t56h7h~56h~0h\t56h~0ho&'56h~0h~56h~0h8)56h~0h}l(56h~0h~CJ aJ h~0h~05>*B*ph h~05h~0h_b55h~0h~5h~0 h~0h~ #&*+9:BFථh~jh~Uh~0h~56hM56>*h7h\t56>*h56>*B*phh~0h\t56>*B*phh~0hjK56>*B*phgd~gd'21h:p/ =!"#$% x2 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@66666_HmH nH sH tH @`@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA D Default Paragraph FontRiR  Table Normal4 l4a (k (No List 6U`6 k( Hyperlink >*B*ph44 'Header  H$:/: ' Header Char CJaJtH 4 "4 'Footer  H$:/1: ' Footer Char CJaJtH Rv!AR &u0Unresolved MentionB*ph`^\q PK![Content_Types].xmlN0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;rØJB+$G]7O٭Vj\{cp/IDg6wZ0s=Dĵw %;r,qlEآyDQ"Q,=c8B,!gxMD&铁M./SAe^QשF½|SˌDإbj|E7C<bʼNpr8fnߧFrI.{1fVԅ$21(t}kJV1/ ÚQL×07#]fVIhcMZ6/Hߏ bW`Gv Ts'BCt!LQ#JxݴyJ] C:= ċ(tRQ;^e1/-/A_Y)^6(p[_&N}njzb\->;nVb*.7p]M|MMM# ud9c47=iV7̪~㦓ødfÕ 5j z'^9J{rJЃ3Ax| FU9…i3Q/B)LʾRPx)04N O'> agYeHj*kblC=hPW!alfpX OAXl:XVZbr Zy4Sw3?WӊhPxzSq]y )J & / SGUa9 !"# Z $s+,XX@ @ 0(  B S  ?H0(  pts. 333333 pt26rrs// );;@TU[dh    E G J J W [ \ i      \    S  :;AB#&+9BF pt26rrs// );;@TU[dh    E G J J W [ \ i      \    S  :;AB#&+9BF#S8%~E;IL4KiHlVH]q^]IQ3&u'~#~~iu{g%N&o&'k(}l(~0VD1$83Q5_b5^79+9^HjK9LMBPTJYHZta3d34eiYkr6|r2t tt yy$y{, ~@\t,Z!\)1@$O=Lb#FdS^m?8 )5RQN^28)c..l X $r-*on,cj.>9BAHsL=7Wd (C@@UnknownG.[x Times New Roman5Symbol3. .[x ArialC.,.{$ Calibri Light7..{$ CalibriA$BCambria Math"hyK'b % %!203Q@P ?~2!xx, South Texas Section  AIChE Thomas MennCarlton, Rachel V Oh+'0|  8 D P\dltSouth Texas Section AIChE Thomas MennnormalCarlton, Rachel V4Microsoft Office Word@ZNc!@Nd$@$;& ՜.+,D՜.+,P  hp   Microsoft%  South Texas Section AIChE Title4 8@ _PID_HLINKSA H9mailto:Ryan.Stephens@Shell.com+ mailto:thomasmenn@sbcglobal.net  !"#$%'()*+,-./012345678:;<=>?@BCDEFGHKRoot Entry F^&M1Table&%WordDocument4JSummaryInformation(9DocumentSummaryInformation8ACompObjr  F Microsoft Word 97-2003 Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q