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Virtual Seminar Sponsored by The Susquehanna Section of the 91˶Ƶ March 30, 2022, 6:30-8:15 PM Featuring Keynote Speakers: Dr. Monty Alger Past President of the 91˶Ƶ Professor of 91˶Ƶ Engineering & Director of Institute of Natural Gas Research at Penn State University Victoria Muir PhD Student in Bioengineering at University of Pennsylvania BS in 91˶Ƶ Engineering from University of Delaware Recipient of the Poddar Award for Rising 91˶Ƶ Engineers Panel of Local 91˶Ƶ Engineers 91˶Ƶ Engineers with varying backgrounds from the local area will be available to answer questions and interact with students Agenda 6:30-6:35 Introduction of program, speakers, and engineers 6:35-6:55 Presentation by Victoria Muir 6:55-7:15 Presentation by Dr. Monty Alger 7:15-8:00 Panel discussion with local engineers and keynote speakers 8:00 - Final Remarks 8:15 - Adjourn Details of Virtual Seminar The Seminar will be held via Zoom: Zoom ID: 977 9021 6541 If needed, call in number: 301-715-8592 Passcode: 287396 Requirements for Attendance All students and teachers must register for this event by completing the Seminar Attendance Form by March 29th (see next page). All students attending grades 9-12 are welcome. Parents and teachers are also welcome. SEMINAR ATTENDANCE FORM RETURN BY MARCH 29, 2022 1. Name: 2. Student or Teacher? 3. Parents Name(s) if attending: 4. Email Address: 5. Cell Number: 6. Landline Number (if no cell): 7. Name of High School: 8. Grade in High School: 9. Name of School District: 10. County Return email this completed form by 3/29/22 to  HYPERLINK "mailto:cmerris@msn.com" cmerris@msn.com. QUESTIONS: Contact Charles Merris by email ( HYPERLINK "mailto:cmerris@msn.com" cmerris@msn.com) or phone: (717)951-7906 (mobile)  !)=>?xlf^PBh\h,56CJ aJ h\hws 56CJ aJ h,CJaJ h+CJh;sh;s5CJ aJ h/J5CJ aJ hLh5CJ aJ hf=75CJ aJ hP5CJ aJ h;s5CJ aJ hak5CJ aJ h,CJh,h,5CJ aJ hh5CJ aJ h,5CJ(aJ(h,h,5CJ(aJ(hLh5CJ(aJ(h+h+5CJ(aJ(h,h,5CJHaJH !>?^ 6 } : ; < ^ $1$a$gd^Lz $1$a$gd) $1$a$gdd  3 5 6 A B D d | } : ; < ] ^ xjbWNbh,5>*CJh[)h[)CJaJh[)CJaJh\h>56CJ aJ h\h[)56CJ aJ hn$ 5>*CJh\5>*CJhQhQCJaJhQhws CJaJh\h,56CJ aJ h\hws 56CJ aJ hn$ CJaJh!CJaJhYCJaJhb0ehb0eCJaJhb0ehws CJaJh CJaJ   % ( * + / ? 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