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All nominations should include: Name of the nominee Current resume if available, or a description of the nominees career to date as a chemical engineer and involvement in the NorCal Section Your name and your reasons for believing that the nominee is worthy of the award The individual who receives this award is one who has demonstrated a high level of professionalism in his/her career and meets the following Eligibility and Merit requirements: Eligibility. Nominees for the NorCal AIChE Professional Progress Award must meet ALL of the following requirements: Ten (10) or more years in the practice of 91˶Ƶ Engineering Five (5) or more years of current or previous membership in NorCal AIChE Not presently a voting member of the NorCal Section Executive Committee or a member of the PPA Selection Committee Merit. The award is given in consideration of ALL of the following merit criteria: Sustained and substantial service and contribution to the NorCal Section of AIChE Recognized personal professional career achievement Significant contribution to the 91˶Ƶ Engineering profession The selected recipient acknowledges the obligation to be the featured speaker on a subject of his/her choice at the award ceremony, normally during the June monthly meeting, and succeed as Chair of the PPA Selection Committee. For more information, please read the PPA Guidelines and Procedures. Dilek Alkaya, PhD e-mail: dilekalkaya@yahoo.com GUIDELINES AND PROCEDURES for the NORCAL SECTION - AIChE PROFESSIONAL PROGRESS AWARD 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 History and Purpose. The Professional Progress Award was established in 1982 as the premier means for the NorCal Section to honor one of its members. Granting of this award is a formal recognition of those qualities that are central to the continued operation and functions of NorCal AIChE and to the influence that NorCal AIChE can have on the 91˶Ƶ Engineering profession and its practitioners in Northern California. Eligibility and merit criteria for the selection of an awardee are as described below. Following is a chronological listing of past PPA recipients: YEAR RECIPIENT YEAR RECIPIENT 1982 J. Frank Valle-Riestra 1983 Gordon H. Goff 1984 Charles R. Wilke 1985 Joseph M. Fox III 1986 Emmett R. Miller 1987 Raymond A. Mugele 1988 Carlton L. Horine 1989 Eugene S. DeHaven 1990 E. Morse Blue 1991 James W. Casten 1992 Robert H. Schwaar 1993 Manesh J. Shah 1994 Ted F. Breitmayer 1995 Teresa T. Cheung 1996 Ravi S. Upadhye 1997 Michael B. Jennings 1998 Habib Amin 1999 Robert A. Katin 2002 Jonathon K. Tuck 2003 Cynthia L. Murphy 2004 Diane K. Spencer 2005 Thomas E. Karis 2006 Andre R. DaCosta 2007 Bipin C. Almaula 2009 William J. Smith 2011 Bryan V. Yeh 2015 Jean L. Bender 2016 Ignacio . Martinez 2018 Dilek Alkaya 1.2 Award Presentation Presentation of the award is normally scheduled for the Sections June dinner meeting, with the awardee being presented a memento of recognition and accorded the opportunity to address the Section on a topic of his/her choice. A press release is sent to National AIChE as well as to the local media, an announcement is included in the Sections Flowsheet or other publication; and a letter of recognition/achievement under the signature of the NorCal Section Chair is sent to the award recipients company. 2.0 SELECTION CRITERIA 2.1 Eligibility. To be eligible for the NorCal AIChE Professional Progress Award, a nominee must meet ALL of the following requirements: Ten (10) or more years of experience in the practice of 91˶Ƶ Engineering Five (5) or more years of current or previous membership in NorCal AIChE Not presently a voting member of the NorCal Section Executive Committee or a member of the PPA Selection Committee Having otherwise met the Eligibility and Merit requirements, a prospective nominee not currently a NorCal member by virtue of relocation outside the NorCal area shall retain eligibility for the PPA. 2.1 Merit. The award is given in consideration of ALL of the following merit criteria: Sustained and substantial service and contribution to the NorCal Section of AIChE Recognized personal professional career achievement Significant contribution to the 91˶Ƶ Engineering profession 3.0 SELECTION PROCESS 3.1 Selection Committee The Chair of the PPA Selection Committee shall be appointed no later than October 1st in accordance with the procedures set forth in the Sections Bylaws. By tradition, the position of Chair normally succeeds to the most recent available awardee. The new Chair of the PPA Selection Committee shall then, in consultation and collaboration with the NorCal Section Chair, appoint the remaining members of the PPA Selection Committee by no later than December 31st. The PPA Selection Committee shall be constituted with not fewer than four (4) members including the Chair. As custodians of the Award, past PPA recipients make ideal Committee members, although non-PPA recipients judged to have a good knowledge of potential candidates and the requirements for the PPA should also be considered in order to broaden the membership representation on the Committee. 3.2 Candidate Nominations The Chair of the PPA Selection Committee shall send out a timely notice to the NorCal Section membership soliciting nominations for the PPA. This notice should be by Flowsheet, but may be supplemented by a special electronic mailing. Preferably, such notices should be coordinated with similar invitations for other Section awards. The deadline for accepting nominations shall be February 15th . Any member of NorCal Section, including past and present members of the PPA Selection Committee, shall have the right and privilege to nominate candidates for the award. All nominations shall include a statement of the candidates qualifications, and be submitted to the Chair of the PPA Selection Committee for further distribution to all other Committee members. Letter or electronic format is equally acceptable. The PPA Selection Committee will not consider any nomination or supporting documentation submitted on behalf of oneself. 3.3 Selection of Award Recipient The PPA Selection Committee shall first determine the eligibility of each nominee, shall then establish the adequate and sufficient merit of those eligible and, finally, shall vote for the selection of the most deserving candidate from among all those deemed to meet the merit criteria. Eligibility. Each nominee will be checked against the eligibility criteria in Section 2.1 to ascertain that they indeed qualify for nomination for the award. Merit. The Chair of the Selection Committee shall facilitate an open discussion of the qualifications and merits of each of the eligible nominees. Committee members will be encouraged to ask questions and to request clarification of any of the information contained in the nomination documents, and will be expected to share any personal knowledge or direct experiences they may have about the individual nominees. The discussion shall focus solely on establishing individual candidate merit, without comparison to other nominees, and the Committee members shall refrain from advocacy for any particular nominee until the final selection process. At the conclusion of all discussion, the Committee members shall vote affirmatively for all those nominees they deem to meet the merit criteria in Section 2.2 by marking YES on their merit ballot next to the name of each of the deserving candidates. Only those nominees with 75% or more affirmative votes will be considered for the final selection process. Final Selection. The Committee shall select a single nominee from among those garnering 75% or more affirmative votes on the merit ballot. Prior to the final selection vote, any member of the Committee may request and engage in further discussion of the nominees, including comparative assessments of the nominees and advocacy for any one candidate. If there is only one nominee in the final selection process, then that nominee shall automatically be selected for the award. When there are two or more candidates in the final selection process, the Committee shall select a single nominee by using a 5-3-1 point basis vote. Each Committee member shall indicate their #1, #2 and #3 choice, allocating 5 points, 3 points and 1 point, respectively, to their chosen nominees. The nominee receiving the majority of the tabulated points shall be the one selected for the award. In case of a tie, a runoff vote shall be held among only the nominees that tied. Deferred Award. If there are no eligible nominees, or if none of the eligible nominees garners 75% or more affirmative votes on the merit ballot, no candidate selection will be possible, and the award shall be deferred until the following year. Confidentiality. During Committee deliberations, all voting shall be by open ballot, with the results tabulated by the Chair and made available to the Committee. However, all deliberations and ballot results shall remain private and confidential to the Committee. Referrals. Following the final selection, all those nominees receiving 75% or more affirmative votes on the merit ballot and considered in the final selection process but not selected for the award shall have their nomination documents sent to the NorCal Section Chair for referral to the following years PPA Selection Committee. Rejection. If awardee declines acceptance after notification, the nomination is voided and no award is made for that year. His/her nomination is referred to the following years PPA Selection Committee. Notification of Selection. The Chair of the PPA Selection Committee shall notify the NorCal Section Chair no later than March 15th of the name of the selected candidate or of a decision to defer the award. The NorCal Chair shall then inform the intended recipient of his/her upcoming award no later than March 25th, and will share that information with the Executive Committee soon thereafter. The recipient of the award shall be invited to address the Section on a topic of his/her choice, preferably scheduled for the Sections last dinner meeting of the fiscal year in June, or as soon as practical in the next fiscal year. Custody of Referrals. The NorCal Section Chair shall maintain custody of the nomination documents for all unsuccessful candidates having received 75% or more affirmative votes on the merit ballot, and shall pass that information on to the Chair of the following years PPA Selection Committee. Although these nominees automatically become candidates for the following year, the Selection Committee shall need to update the information and facts contained in the nomination materials. TIMELINE 4.1 Key Dates. No later than October 1st The NorCal Executive Committee shall appoint the Chair of the PPA Selection Committee No later than December 31st Members of the PPA Selection Committee are identified and agree to serve By January 15th The Chair of the PPA Selection Committee sends out solicitation for nominations February 15th This is the deadline for accepting nominations No later than March 15th The Selection Committee shall determine an award recipient and so notify the Section Chair. In the event of a deferment, the Program Chair shall be notified to that effect. No later than March 25th The award recipient is notified and his/her acceptance confirmed No later than April 15th All publicity materials, press releases, letters of achievement/recognition and announcements are completed and distributed; the recipients plaque is on order June Dinner Meeting The award is presented during the Sections regularly scheduled June dinner meeting and the recipient delivers his/her talk/address to those in attendance 4.2 Progress Reports. The Chair of the PPA Selection Committee is responsible for providing timely progress reports to the NorCal Executive Committee, preferably at each of the regularly scheduled Executive Committee meetings. The Executive Committee will monitor progress and act accordingly in reference to the desired timeline to ensure the successful selection of an award recipient or an alternative speaker for the June meeting. Revised: October, 2009, November, 2011, September, 2013, June, 2014, February, 2015, June, 2015, March, 2016, September, 2017, April, 2018 -H    + 3 p v ?JWcno)*./Ikn 7Ǽǵحԭآ횭 h7-5CJh hKDh hHhHhY\h9 h h h h B*ph[h hS h7-5hHh " h7-H*hhp&h>hs$h h7-5CJh7-7IJK L Z [ o K L s t o p Kop & F/  P~7MO`mnvx} )->GJK)*HLM48EWX 'ߝ흴흴h.Z h`h h h`B*phh`h>=hzh8Zhh7-B*phhHhHB*phh h7-5h7-5>*CJ(h7- h7-5>* h7-5CJ =JKMMMWZcXHI & FR    ' !!>!T!V!n!!!=#?#$$v&x&&&&((((@)E)y))))|**`-c-q.r..72F222@3P3K4U455h66667788A9B9::::::hh`hn h7-H*h$7hR9B*phhD h7-5 h7-5>*h7-h.mB*phh.mMR   u v !U!V!$$&'''(()):*{*|**p.gd^ & F & Fp.q.r..627222?3@33J4K4455g6h6688B9::::: & F & F^I^I & F:::C;W;;;<(<g<h<i<2==I>>>@@@@@@@@@ 0^`0h^h^ & F^::p;r;;;3<5<<<H=J===>?@@LA\AbAlAmAnArAAAAAAAAA h`h7-h>h`hSQhzhDhs$hh8ZhU h7-5h7- h7-H* @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@LAAI^I^AA(/ =!"#$% s2&6FVfv2(&6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv8XV~ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@_HmH nH sH tH 8`8 Normal_HmH sH tH DA D Default Paragraph FontViV  Table Normal :V 44 la (k (No List DC@D Body Text Indent ^0U 0 Hyperlink>*B*PK![Content_Types].xmlN0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;rØJB+$G]7O٭VvnB`2ǃ,!"E3p#9GQd; H xuv 0F[,F᚜K sO'3w #vfSVbsؠyX p5veuw 1z@ l,i!b I jZ2|9L$Z15xl.(zm${d:\@'23œln$^-@^i?D&|#td!6lġB"&63yy@t!HjpU*yeXry3~{s:FXI O5Y[Y!}S˪.7bd|n]671. tn/w/+[t6}PsںsL. 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