BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//hacksw/handcal//NONSGML v1.0//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20201207T080000Z DTSTART:20201207T080000Z DTEND:20201209T080000Z SUMMARY:3rd International Conference on Microbiome Engineering DESCRIPTION:The International Conference on Microbiome Engineering (ICME 2020) will bring \ntogether leaders and experts from cutting edge fields of microbiome \nengineering to discuss progress and needs to develop research, technology, \nand innovation.\n\nMicrobiomes consist of diverse microoganisms and viruses that exist in every \nenvironment Earth ranging from the deep ocean to human skin. Microbiomes are \nhighly complex since they contain hundreds to thousands of members and change \nas a function of time, space and environmental context. By compartmentalizing \nfunctions in different organisms and coordinating these activities, microbial \ncommunities can perform biotransformations more efficiently than single \npopulations. Environmental perturbations can alter the composition and \nfunctions of microbiomes. Microbiome engineering aims to design targeted \ninterventions to predictably alter microbiome properties or wire together \ninteracting microbial strains with desired functions from the bottom-up for \nbiotechnological... LOCATION:Virtual END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR