Forward or Reverse – Which Direction Benefits Your Brownfield Automation Project? | AIChE


Forward or Reverse – Which Direction Benefits Your Brownfield Automation Project?


Conference Presentation

Conference Type

AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety

Presentation Date

March 29, 2017


30 minutes



Ok, you have decided on a brownfield automation project. Your automation system is 20 to 25+ years old. Do you sit down with PI&Ds (As Builts?) and design a new system or do you take configuration tapes and re-implement 20+ years of coding that is in the system, including workarounds, dead or stranded configuration code , and 80s graphics? Is one direction better than the other? Is there a workable approach in between?

Converting a 20/25+ year old DCS to a modern automation system brings lots of challenges. These can include lack of accurate documentation, process narratives, and dead or stranded configuration code to name a few. Selecting & implementing the right approach ensures the plant is well positioned into the future, leaving nothing behind that is needed to keep the plant running as good if not better than before. Choosing the right combination of approaches can greatly affect your overall project cost. It can impact project schedule, ensure efficient & timely startup, and mitigate the risk of change


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